Aggressive appendix cancer and right hemicolectomy: Chemo worth it?

Posted by dnfjc @dnfjc, Jan 27 2:54pm

Trying to decide if chemo is worth it. Xeloda or fluorourcil are my choices. no cancer in lymph nodes and margins clean. Chemo offered because appendix had a perforation with mucosa 0.5cm which put me at stage 2 and chance of rogue cells not seen. I am scared of what quality of life I would have during and after treatment if I get it. My 5 yr survival rate is 50-50. Add 10% with chemo. Anyone with this situation or thoughts?

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When I went in to oncologist first time she told me to call in a week with decision chemo or no. It was the holidays so I waited until yesterday to go in. Dr told me the option wasn’t there any longer because if there are bad cells they will already be out. Too late for chemo. She also said if did chemo it was very iffy if it would help or not. Like 5%. So my hard decision was made for me and I am relieved. No chemo. Bloodwork good and ctscan in February. That will ease my mind. Dr felt it was the right way to go and because no cancer present after Colectomy and 20 lymph nodes all clear
and markers all clean. Thanks for asking. How long have you been NED?

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@dnjc All tfw bat with your upcoming scans to put your mind at rest. My oncologist called it NED after my HIPEC, cytoreductive surgery and peritonectomy in 2022 so coming up for 3 years in May.

I apparently have a 70% chance of being NED for 5 years.

I chose not to do maintenance chemo and have been lucky that was the right choice for me. My oncologist says there’s no need to go back on now I’m still NED, and it’s wait and see.

My oncologist and I will leap back into the fight when we need to . Hopefully that’s not for many years 🙏😊🌺

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