Loss of hearing clarity: Solutions or strategies anyone?
I have in the last couple of years lost hearing clarity. Apparently, somewhere between my auditory nerves and my brain, there is something like a disconnect. The decibels at which I hear has not changed. This clarity loss can be age-related, and I have read that it can also possibly be related to having had cirrhosis, or to taking immunosuppressants - that all seems pretty unclear though. I have been wearing hearing aids since around 2004.
Has anyone else had this type of problem and if so how do you compensate for it? I get emails from CHC -- Center for Hearing and Communications which is NYC and Florida and a book was mentioned recently that can be purchased on Amazon, "Smart Hearing: Strategies, Skills, and Resources for Living Better with Hearing Loss" by Katherine Bouton. I am thinking about purchasing it but wondered if any others have this problem too. I have Oticon Opn1 hearing aids and purchased the "Connect Clip" which helps in some situations.
Thanks for any responses.
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This is very interesting...I don't have hearing aids yet..20% loss in lft. Ear and about 50-70% loss in rt. Ear....and a lot of tintinius in both ears which makes hearing in noisey backgrounds impossible...but I have discovered by accident something quite neat...when my son has the electric kettle heating up and the radio is too loud the resultant noise is painful.....so he gave a pair of expandable ear plugs that rock guitarists use.....and once they were in place it was amazing....no noise AND NO Tintinitus!!!!Complete Silence...I almost wanted to leave them in(except I would have been totally deaf).. Has anyone else had this happen with earplugs?
Attending MN HLAA mtgs is the best thing I could have done - well-run (at that time), very informative and learned what to expect as time goes on. Learned a lot about providers and those researching/writing in the field. We also had legislative info regularly.
Hope the DC group is that good.
I have had Opticon hearing aids for three years and have problems with loss of clarity. They have been adjusted many times but it has not helped. On my last visit, the audiologist suggested I might try the new Phonak Spere with the Roger. Do you know anything about them?
I got the Phonak Spere a couple of months ago. It is a huge improvement for me. It does help somewhat with background noise. I also have the Roger On Version 3 which is very useful in certain situations.
Were you having problems with clarity?
No. I wish the earplugs helped. On the contrary tinnitus is worse. You might contact the American Tinnitus Association with this intriguing bit of your experience.
My main problem was that my Resound hearing aids did not increase volume enough, not necessarily clarity. I tried a loaner prior to going forward with a purchase of the Sphere and the difference was dramatic.
I recently turned down a chance to get the new Phonak Sphere hearing aids because they don’t have telecoils or CROS compatibility. But they are reported to work fairly well in noise compared to most others.
Thank you. The volume is fine on mine, I just don’t have clarity.
My Cosco audiologist prescribe Rexton which works for sound but not distinctiveness (clarity? He says it's due to nerve damage, 27%, and can't be helped. I've tried some of the suggestions above with a little success but wonder if more can be done with a private audiologist.