Was diagnosed with fibromyalgia but I don’t seem to fit the criteria?

Posted by winston137 @winston137, Jan 29 10:40pm

I’ve had rib pain and mild fevers along with some minor symptoms that have come and gone. On I believe a fourth rheumatologist visit she has decided it is fibromyalgia. While I would love a diagnosis and would be open to trying some of the management techniques, I seem to be already doing all of them. I eat very healthy and get lots of exercise as a college athlete. With some research the only common symptom is pain. Although it seems like people with fb have widespread pain and mine is localized. Mine also completely resolves with antibiotics. Something not present in fb and multiple things said they might actually make it worse. Looking for any guidance, while I’m willing to ‘give up’ and learn to cope with the pain I cant help but feel as though there could be something done since the antibiotics made it so much better. Should I try another rheumatologist or someone else?

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If I were you, I would definitely get a second or even 3rd opinion. And I’d go to my primary care physician too. Since your symptoms resolve with antibiotics, it would seem infection would be present. And that lab tests would reveal higher white blood cell count. That’s my 2 cents worth of recommendations. Hope you find clarity.


winston137, I agree with you about your symptoms not lining up with Fibro. I've had Fibro for almost 30 years. I will say this, when I am on antibiotic for a sinus infection, my fibro is so much better. Why you may ask? I believe fibro is either an inflammatory disease or it causes inflammation in your body and the antibiotic lessens it greatly. My primary care physician at the time diagnosed me by palpating all the trigger points and did bloodwork to rule out Lupus, RA & MS.

Fibro is normally widespread pain, aching, burning all over and can go from one place to the other and is accompanied by debilitating fatigue most of the time.

I hope you find your answers for this. I know it's frustrating. Blessings to you....


What infection were you told you had to be prescribed antibiotics? What led you to a rheumatologist vs. primary doctor or other specialists?

What has shown up in your bloodwork as highs/lows compared to reference ranges? Do you have any back pain or is it only ribs? Do only certain ribs hurt or your entire ribcage? Do you have any abdominal pain or pain while breathing?


What infection were you told you had to be prescribed antibiotics? What led you to a rheumatologist vs. primary doctor or other specialists?

What has shown up in your bloodwork as highs/lows compared to reference ranges? Do you have any back pain or is it only ribs? Do only certain ribs hurt or your entire ribcage? Do you have any abdominal pain or pain while breathing?

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bloodwork is normal, certain ribs hurt worse and some barley hurt. Original diagnosis of rheumatic fever but infectious disease doc disagreed with that.


bloodwork is normal, certain ribs hurt worse and some barley hurt. Original diagnosis of rheumatic fever but infectious disease doc disagreed with that.

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Were you diagnosed originally with strep throat? Are you still on antibiotics? What side of your ribs hurt most, right side near liver or left side near heart and stomach or in the center near your diaphragm?

Here is some information about rheumatic fever. How old are you as it is not common for adults to get rheumatic fever.


I never tested positive for strep throat or had any symptoms, but had it repeatedly around the age of 5 until tonsils were removed, I am currently 18 They hurt worse on sides around the middle to top. I had antibiotics twice (azithromycin) first time was a larger dose for a longer amount of time than the second time they were prescribed. the first symptoms went away for around three months. the second time with lighter dose they went mostly away for about a month.


Interesting that you seem to feel better after antibiotic treatments. Have you ever been tested for Lymes? This often presents with fever and pains, and improves with antibiotics. I had it several years ago. A long shot but possible. I wish you well on your quest.


Dear Winston 137,
My comment has to do with the absence of all-over generalized pain. My Fb was diagnosed 30 years ago based on palpation of trigger points and extreme fatigue. Now it has affected my life by being localized in the large muscles of my legs. The pain in the thigh muscles worsens and worsens when I walk very far, making me stop due to pain. I will pause where I’m standing for a few minutes and then resume walking, only to have the pain increase again and force me to stop again.
I hope you find this helpful.


Personally I think it's time for a Neurologist for a second opinion, did you see the Rheumatologist for what exactly, While my FB affect mainly my shoulders I'm guessing there are probably other spots also that may flare. I had chronic back pain for years and while being treated for that my pain meds weren't' doing any good and a little research lead me to FB why back in the 80's before much was known about it then and basically diagnosed myself. While none of this is important it sounds like frankly your not being heard which seems to be common these days, Fibro is nasty and I believe effects everyone differently but for you getting an accurate diagnosis is the main objective, I'm not saying what your going through isn't tough it appears your not being heard so Keep going and maybe a little yelling might be in order.


I too have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and don’t fit all the criteria. That said, the current medical thinking is that there is a wide array of criteria. As I’m sure you know, it is typically a diagnosis of exclusion, which is exactly what my journey has been. Rheumatologists, neurologists, endocrinologists, GPs, and a physiatrist. My pain is primarily localized in my hands and feet, with episodes of all over body pain and extreme fatigue. The pain can be aching, stabbing, or burning. Would be good for you to really try to exclude other conditions with blood and nerve tests.

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