Any TKR graduates out there with noisy knee?
I mentioned this in a post several months ago: my new knee clicks pretty audibly with every step I take. It’s a somewhat disconcerting feeling, although there is no pain, and the knee works really well. Last time I brought this up, there was one single person who also admitted to some clicking. When I checked with my favorite PT, who has been in practice locally for at least 10 years that I know of (shoulder surgery 2009!), he told me that close to half the people he deals with after TKR have some noise in their knee joint, some temporarily, many permanent. So am I really the unfortunate exception, and does one EVER get used to it? Can’t sneak up on grandsons any more when playing hide and seek!!!!
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Wrote below. Same issues but I won’t get anymore shots. Had way too many. In pain but I am able to get out of it but not fully. We made a big mistake. Not making another. Ruined my life.
Noise from the knee post-TKR is very common. I knew this ahead of surgery, and so I spent six months with a trainer before surgery to strengthen the muscles around my leg, primarily quads, and hamstrings.
Post surgery I slowly increased the resistance in these leg exercises. Last year I had both knees replaced and as of today, no noise at all. I'm a 68 y/o male and in the gym 6 days/week. My quads and hamstrings are very strong, and I believe that pulls the patella close to the knee and so, no noise. Most noise probably comes from the patella, the only "moving part" after a TKR.
I'd check with your surgeon and PT about this and see if it could work for you. It does require patience and a lot of work. I'm retired so have plenty of time for the gym.
I had an excellent first 3 months of recovery with 0-135 ROM and little pain. Then after 3 months I started getting the patellar clicking and pain has gradually increased. So my knee is worse 7 months after surgery compared to 3 months. When I first mentioned this at my 3 month check-up, the doctor blew it off. Now he thinks there might be some scar tissue and sent me back for PT. I've been on the new exercises for a few weeks now and the post exercise pain is bad. So, I'm looking for recommendation for a surgeon who has been successful with patellar scar tissue removal to give me a second opinion. I need someone in The Minneapolis or Rochester area.
Search concierge. Has all the contact info for Mayo. They may be able to help you.
Who did your procedure, where are they located and how's your knee?
I share the same story. My knee was so loud my wife could hear me coming to bed at night. Again, dummyhead me, I went to my ortho who created this problem in the first place, and got snookered into having a revision. Following the surgery he said, "I put in a thicker spacer and you should be O.K. now." I don't have to tell you there's no change. From what I've read about noisy knees, call it clicking or knocking, is common. Jusy another little thing they don't tell you before they mess you up!
My nose is accompanied by a deep clunking/catching sensation with every step or kick during swim. I am 8 months past surgery and it's been happening from the start. I've been diagnosed with Patellar Clunk but my doc isn't experienced with dealing with it. He's sending me for a MARS MRI next month and surgery after that, if I can't live with it. He will do it thru open arthrotomy as opposed to arthroscopic removal. Anyone else diagnosed with Patellar Clunk that had successful surgical repair?