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Replies to "Thank you polkagal. Great advice. I feel so frozen - like my life has come to..."
Gynecologic Cancers | Last Active: 5 hours ago | Replies (39)
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Replies to "Thank you polkagal. Great advice. I feel so frozen - like my life has come to..."
@suesam @ polkagal is so right. This is you being proactive about your own health and yourself. I find that what I anticipate is often far worse than the reality. Another way to say this is that all my worry about what may or may not happen leads me to think up all sorts of dire things. Then, when I confront whatever it is I'm afraid of instead of avoidance or turning away from it I feel much better. It's not that you are avoiding anything. But all this waiting would cause anyone to worry. So whatever you would like to do for yourself is bound to be empowering for you. What interests you? Improving your diet? A new activity?