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Replies to "Thank you sooooooooooo much naturegirl! You helped a lot. I didn't know who my doctor referred..."
wow, @suesam, I agree with you and naturegirl that 6 months is way too long to wait just for receive a cancer diagnosis or rule it out. I'm so glad you tood Naturgirl's encouragement and made that call. I'm also wondering (not knowing where you live), when you speak with your primary doctor next Monday, whether asking them to make referrals to more than one gynecologist is either allowed or worth considering. I can imagine they made a referral to the GYN they thought best for you, or the GYN most likely to be available soonest. But, given your situation, and given that you are willing to follow-up with the GYN practice to advocate for yourself and request to be on any cancellation lists, this seems at the very least like a worthwhile question to ask or request to make.
@suesam You are very welcome. I figure we have to advocate for ourselves and not wait to hear back from medical offices. If they don't get back to you, you could keep calling until they do, right?