Anyone Else Have my Prostate Radiation Side Effects?

Posted by mark1952 @mark1952, Jan 28 6:59pm

Hello Folks,
Just an update here on prostate radiation side effects for what it's worth...

73 yo. Gleason 4+3 7 unfavorable. Have taken 114 Orgovyx pills, have 6 to go till DONE! Can't wait! RO says it will take about 2 weeks after Orgovyx stops for me to start feeling better. She says that period of feeling better could take months to complete. 22 radiation sessions over. 18 to go. So about halfway. What is new for me is that the last five days after radiation in the morning, I am getting a perfect facsimile of the flu between about 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm. I experience severe fatigue, mild nausea, chills, loss of appetite, muscle aches, low grade fever, headache. Just like the flu. My RO says it is possibly because the radiation is irritating the linings of the bowel and bladder, causing inflammation and discomfort. At around 7:00 pm, when I get up from bed, I slowly feel better and then feel my normal by the time I go to bed around 8:30 pm. I did not have this during the first 17 or so radiation sessions. It really seems that my whole day is consumed by the treatments. On Saturday and Sunday, when I have no radiation, the symptoms are much less. Anyone else affected like this? Thanks!

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Sorry about your side effects. Hang in there. What type of radiation machine is being used for you?


I had chills every day but I'm certain it was from Orgovyx because they always began about two hours after taking the pill. I didn't have this from radiation, though. But one thing I've learned from my prostate cancer support group is that everyone has different side effects to some degree.


Had 28 RT , no side effects, had to have FULL BLADDER for radiation treatments to work. No flu whatsoever- age 74 at the time. Now age 76 - PSA < .01 of course with ADT.


Yes, I had 25 sessions (higher dosages/shorter duration) and at about #18 I definitely felt more fatigue, less energy and more need to take naps. This is normal so just try to keep up with moderate exercise and nap if you’re tired. It really makes a difference!


Hi, just starting the treatment with about a week into Orgovyx. Should start radiation in about two months I think. Thanks for your story. Hope you get feeling better. I take my Orgovyx about 8:00pm.


I had chills every day but I'm certain it was from Orgovyx because they always began about two hours after taking the pill. I didn't have this from radiation, though. But one thing I've learned from my prostate cancer support group is that everyone has different side effects to some degree.

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Hi, I have only been taking Orgovyx about a week but I decided to switch from morning to evening to take it. I just wanted a more consistent time but that may help with putting up with some side effect’s if you’re sleeping thru them so to speak. Good luck!


Well at age 77 I’ve been cancer free for 14yrs now. I had radiation therapy for 12 months and seed implants. After 6yrs my ED was bad, I started a Trimix which worked well for about 4yrs then my wife passed away 2yrs ago and I gave up the idea of finding another love but fate blessed me and she has helped me out of my slump and I’m currently on Quad mix and back in the saddle. The only problem I have is I loose the erection lying down so we work it out when I’m standing up. My treatment was done so long ago that I had no advice or what the outcome would be. My biopsies were many and the last one almost killed me. I never missed a day of work the whole time I was in radiation treatment the only thing I remember was being alittle tired after each session. I wish anyone who has gone through this the best of luck


Well at age 77 I’ve been cancer free for 14yrs now. I had radiation therapy for 12 months and seed implants. After 6yrs my ED was bad, I started a Trimix which worked well for about 4yrs then my wife passed away 2yrs ago and I gave up the idea of finding another love but fate blessed me and she has helped me out of my slump and I’m currently on Quad mix and back in the saddle. The only problem I have is I loose the erection lying down so we work it out when I’m standing up. My treatment was done so long ago that I had no advice or what the outcome would be. My biopsies were many and the last one almost killed me. I never missed a day of work the whole time I was in radiation treatment the only thing I remember was being alittle tired after each session. I wish anyone who has gone through this the best of luck

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Back in the saddle at 77? You are my HERO!!!


To be honest with you I’m a very lucky guy to find the lady that has helped and stuck by my side thank you for the compliment


To be honest with you I’m a very lucky guy to find the lady that has helped and stuck by my side thank you for the compliment

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blizer good for you. I am glad you found someone.
Sounds like kamasutra.

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