Surgery, radiation, other - what is the best for 2Ta Gleason 7

Posted by twalker8888 @twalker8888, Jan 28 4:23pm

I have 2Ta grade, with a Geason 7, and PSA 10. The tumor has push slightly outside the prostate. The surgeon thinks there is a 50 - 60% chance of removing all the cancer.

What other options or combination of options are there? I talk with the Radiologist next.

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See what the radiologist says. At this point, based on the uro's estimate, even with surgery you will still need radiation.

Stay Strong Brother, we got this.


Just about 2 hours ago I was in an advanced prostate cancer meeting and that was specifically discussed. Radiation is probably the best solution in this situation, and what was recommended for someone else. You need to discuss this with a RO. The fact it is out of the prostate can be more serious depending on where it is out. The wrong place and it can affect the bladder.

If you had surgery and it was not successful you would have to do radiation next. Eliminate one procedure.


Agreed. If there's more than a tiny chance that it's escaped the prostate, then radiation is the way to go, because it spreads and gets any nearby cancer as well. It's also painless in itself (except for needing to show up with a full bladder), but might have some side-effects that develop afterwards.


You know, unfortunately it’s not cut and dried as far as surgery vs radiation is concerned.
Even with a low Decipher score, if cells are definitely OUT of the capsule ( and no scan can show this) you will need radiation and ADT most probably.
Some men refer to the prostate as the “mother ship” - and want it O-U-T no matter what, even if additional treatment is necessary….some don’t.
But as all have said, you must consult with a Radiation Oncologist at a large cancer center who treats your type of case all the time. There are new treatments which combine modalities, such as seeds (brachytherapy) with SBRT ( 5 treatments of high dose radiation ie; Cyberknife) or seeds with 25-40 lower dose, prostate and pelvic node treatment.
So it is ESSENTIAL that you find a younger, less set in their ways, more up to date with the times RO - and not some older one size fits all practitioner.
Your best bet is a center of excellence or a well known Cancer hospital (Sloan, Mayo, etc). Best regards in your research!

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