1st knee replacements failed, 2nd knee replacement my Tibial tray with too much slope thus causing me to fall many times my buckled & went side to side several inches,had to have a 3rd reconstructed knee replacement by another surgeon,
I read an article in The NY Times earlier this week with the results of a large study of the the anti-inflammatory effectiveness of Semaglutide (Ozympic). The article said that this is a major breakthrough for joint health. The article stated that Semaglutide is the best benefit for arthritic knees short of replacement. I started a prescription that I got online, only 3 weeks ago, so it is too early for me to report in my individual result.
I wish you luck. I've been on Semaglutide for many months now and haven't noticed any change in my knee swelling or pain level. I went on the Semaglutide program for weight loss to reduce the pressure on my knee. The good news is that I've lost weight. It's a shame that we have to experiment on our own with little or no assistance from our wonderful most expensive medical community in the world.
I have read through all of you comments and I am so familiar with the knee buckling. The nature knee band pain, the sit and stand exercises cause and it's like you going backwards instead of gradual progress. TKR almost 1 year ago, February 2024. After my first follow up I seemed to be doing OK. After my second check my pain had increase. My surgeon took fluid from my knee to test for infection it was negative. Stull in pain after my third follow up my surgeon gave me a shot of cortisone shot in my knee, negative still in pain, now with the wicked band that get stiffer and painful when I am trying to do my walking exercises. I had to halt this. Next follow up I was prescribe to get pain block. Which I believe was also a temporary fix.. I was not able to do this because insurance doesn't pay for this. Now let me say my ROM is at 110, so I am assuming that this tells my doctor, she is doing well. When I am saying I am in great pain. My next follow up on January 24, I was given prednisone to take by the mouth. My pain slowed on the 24th to the 27th. I am back to being in pain, perhaps more than I was before TKR. If the specialist can't figure out what is happening to me, then where do I go to feel some sense of normalcy???
1st knee replacements failed, 2nd knee replacement my Tibial tray with too much slope thus causing me to fall many times my buckled & went side to side several inches,had to have a 3rd reconstructed knee replacement by another surgeon,
I wish you luck. I've been on Semaglutide for many months now and haven't noticed any change in my knee swelling or pain level. I went on the Semaglutide program for weight loss to reduce the pressure on my knee. The good news is that I've lost weight. It's a shame that we have to experiment on our own with little or no assistance from our wonderful most expensive medical community in the world.
I have read through all of you comments and I am so familiar with the knee buckling. The nature knee band pain, the sit and stand exercises cause and it's like you going backwards instead of gradual progress. TKR almost 1 year ago, February 2024. After my first follow up I seemed to be doing OK. After my second check my pain had increase. My surgeon took fluid from my knee to test for infection it was negative. Stull in pain after my third follow up my surgeon gave me a shot of cortisone shot in my knee, negative still in pain, now with the wicked band that get stiffer and painful when I am trying to do my walking exercises. I had to halt this. Next follow up I was prescribe to get pain block. Which I believe was also a temporary fix.. I was not able to do this because insurance doesn't pay for this. Now let me say my ROM is at 110, so I am assuming that this tells my doctor, she is doing well. When I am saying I am in great pain. My next follow up on January 24, I was given prednisone to take by the mouth. My pain slowed on the 24th to the 27th. I am back to being in pain, perhaps more than I was before TKR. If the specialist can't figure out what is happening to me, then where do I go to feel some sense of normalcy???