Tomorrow is D-Day

Posted by survivor5280 @survivor5280, Jan 27 9:56am

It's surprising how calm I am today knowing that everything changes tomorrow. Just a week ago I was losing my mind, today it's just another Monday with a little apprehension about tomorrow and next week when the catheter comes out.


I attribute this, somewhat, to a change in my mindset. I spent so much time pre-mourning the loss of my bladder control and sexual function that I failed to remember what got me through life and death before - thinking that those things are already guaranteed: "You' re already dead, so if you come back from this mission vertical and not in 5,000 pieces then that's a bonus". Now, this isn't death, but those two aspects of my life are - until proven otherwise. So I've mourned them, poured one out for them and anything other than the guaranteed total failure is a win.

Thanks to all here. Both good and bad, I think the shake up has shaped the relative calm I feel right this moment. I needed to hear the bad stuff, but fortunately a bit of good was sprinkled in there too.

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You know that everyone here wishes you the best of luck.

Tomorrow's not D-Day. You know what it is?

Tuesday. It's Tuesday.
For the surgeon and the whole team... it's Tuesday. Another day at work, another patient.
They'll take very good care of you, but they've done this 1000 times. You'll be fine.

Forget about the catheter for now.
From this point on, it's one day at a time, one challenge at a time.
By the time the catheter comes out, you'll be the one reassuring others about to go through this.


My RARP was my very first surgery EVER and it turned out to not be anywhere near as scary as I thought. Recovery was less traumatic as well with little pain ( never took more than acetaminophen and only for a few days afterwards).

You got this!


My RARP was my very first surgery EVER and it turned out to not be anywhere near as scary as I thought. Recovery was less traumatic as well with little pain ( never took more than acetaminophen and only for a few days afterwards).

You got this!

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Surgery isn't scary to me in the least, I've had a few and the most invasive one was also robotic to take a cancerous kidney. It's the recovery that I'm not looking forward to, more to the point, the side effects of losing a prostate.

But here it is, the day is nearly done and I'm still at peace. I've accepted my fate and I will go in without hesitation.

I remember something, which is a quote but is also something a CO said to me a long time ago: "Bravery is being afraid but doing it anyway". I'm there, it took me until the 11th hour but find my bravery for this new change in life but I did find it and while it's occupied my mind all day, it has not given me any grief.


The catheter, while not the greatest thing to experience, was more an intermittent discomfort and inconvenience more than anything else. Mine was removed 1 week after surgery (didn't feel a thing when it was removed either).

Incontinence (even with my non-nerve sparing surgery) took only a few months get under control. After that, no real issues other than having to retrain the bladder/brain connection so I didn't have to pee every hour. I get up MAYBE twice a night now to pee and easily go hours during the day.

ED is another issue but Trimex has worked for me.


Surgery isn't scary to me in the least, I've had a few and the most invasive one was also robotic to take a cancerous kidney. It's the recovery that I'm not looking forward to, more to the point, the side effects of losing a prostate.

But here it is, the day is nearly done and I'm still at peace. I've accepted my fate and I will go in without hesitation.

I remember something, which is a quote but is also something a CO said to me a long time ago: "Bravery is being afraid but doing it anyway". I'm there, it took me until the 11th hour but find my bravery for this new change in life but I did find it and while it's occupied my mind all day, it has not given me any grief.

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Absolutely!! And now that you have prepared yourself for the absolute WORST outcome, anything you experience is going to be better.
I’ve done the same many times, earning me the “pessimist” nickname but that mindset has always given me “optimal” results. You got this!


Looking forward to hearing good news post-op, Survivor! Thanks for your honest share of your past fears as we all have them but don’t always express them.

Now, turn your thoughts to a positive future. A week of catheter is nothing in hindsight. Quick and full recovery is my prayer for you!


My surgery was 10 weeks ago. The catheter came out after 11 days, and I was back to work after 3 weeks. Incontinence remains the biggest issue but I'm increasing kegels to address that. It was my first major surgery and it appears it all went well. I'm 3 weeks from the follow up PSA and appointment. Be confident. Considering everyone here is a cancer patient/survivor, I've seen a lot of success stories.


My surgery was 10 weeks ago. The catheter came out after 11 days, and I was back to work after 3 weeks. Incontinence remains the biggest issue but I'm increasing kegels to address that. It was my first major surgery and it appears it all went well. I'm 3 weeks from the follow up PSA and appointment. Be confident. Considering everyone here is a cancer patient/survivor, I've seen a lot of success stories.

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Agnostic1, congratulations on the successful surgery! As with our treatments and paths, I think, so too are our successes. I was fortunate to have caught mine “early” and, since my surgery in Sept 2023, good things have followed the initial bad news. I just had a follow-up PSA - undetectable again - and my surgeon/urologist pushed my next blood work out a year saying he’s hopeful our early detection allowed me to nip this thing. 🫰🙏

I’m now irritating my friends with my repeated encouragement to throw in the PSA test with any blood work they have done. It’s cheap and can make a huge difference.

Now turn your thoughts to the positive thinking that, I believe, can only help. We’re blessed, anosmic1!

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