Hiatal Hernia. What helps?
I was just diagnosed with a small hiatal hernia but I'm feeling pretty miserable. I was a perfectly healthy person and this all started a couple months ago. It started with a feeling of a "lump" at the bottom of my esophagus (or top of my stomach). Sometimes I had a burning feeling in my esophagus. I mentioned it with my gastroenterologist before a routine colonoscopy; she pretty much dismissed it but immediately put me on Prilosec in the morning and Zantac.It really doesn't help very much. before bed. I had and EGD and she diagnosed and irritated esophagus and stomach and a small hiatal hernia.
I have now given up coffee, wine, chocolate, beef, tomatoes and eating after dinner (everyday the list grows.) We have propped our bed at an angle. I am afraid to eat. She insists that the hernia is not causing this, but it must be. I'm in my 50's, perfect weight and have never even had heartburn. If this doesn't improve soon, I am thinking of going to Mayo for a full evaluation. I can't live this way and I DO NOT want to be on medicine the rest of my life.
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I had the same problem when my HH was diagnosed. I can still do planks, which is the best ab workout ever! Try a long plank with alternating knee to elbows or rolling to side planks. Worked for me. (-:
I was diagnosed with a small HH and GERD last year by my ENT after having a Barium swallow procedure. He had prescribed a daily dose of omeprazole along with a strict acid reflux diet after I saw him for a sore throat, coughing, and hoarseness. I have had increasingly uncomfortable feelings (last 20 years) in my abdomen area at the bra line and sometimes radiating to my back making wearing a bra unbearable. I think the sensitivity/pressure in my abdomen area is my greatest concern. I have bought so many different bras trying to find one I can tolerate. I’m at a good weight and not heavy-breasted. I can understand your problem with abdominal pressure. Does anyone know if there are bras designed for this kind of discomfort?
I find Bamba’s scoop bralette to be comfortable.
Thank you for your suggestion. I will look into it.
I have a small HH and I found a few physical therapists on YouTube. One has been particularly helpful to me. Diaphragmatic breathing, standing stretches with arms up, sitting stretches with arms up and bridge poses. Oh and a wedge pillow for sleeping. This is not a quick fix, but over time I’ve felt much much better. I stopped coughing and got off Omeprazole.
Which one? A PPI? Did you have a hernia too?
When were you diagnosed? Is it a sliding hernia?
Any update? I tried scrolling to find one
Diagnosed about 4 months ago. He didn’t say anything about a sliding hernia. In fact, he acted like the HH was no big deal. After the endoscopy, he said “everything looks good. Oh you have a small hernia. “. I was having Gerd symptoms. But I didn’t even realize the two things were connected after listening to the doctor’s comments. I discovered that on my own.