Does Gastroparesis progress from moderate to severe?

Posted by babciesgrandson @babciesgrandson, Jan 24 12:56am

Does anyone know Does Gastroparesis progress from moderate to severe? I was recently diagnosed with Idiopathic Gastroparesis at a high moderate level. (level2) Does anyone know If levels increase and if so at what rate?

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Interesting concept on the Botox that seems to see something they are broadening in use, my neurologist mentioned it for a different issue. It appears there are studies indicating stomach spasms may contribute to gastroparesis and the botox calms them which may result in better digestive flow. I have the same long list of allergies and sensitivities it runs in my family and sometimes the med team doesn’t seem to take into consideration but it can make treatment options tough. I would be the same way regarding the botox because our bodies seem to over react to ingredients maybe it’s autoimmune or other not sure but it’s real. Perhaps they can attempt a low dose of botox under the skin like allergy testing as I read online a skin test is an option but not sure if it’s sufficient may be worth re-checking with the doc.

I’m seeing a wellness way specialist now finding more information on how the gut microbiome also can contribute to gastroparesis may be worth checking it out. Good luck!

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Been there done that. I would love to know how many who have gastroparesis now, started out by having acid indigestion or heartburn and were handed prescriptions for antacids which are now over the counter so everyone uses them. I used to be able to eat anything and loved homemade chili, tacos, wet burritos, etc. To me a pizza wasn't a pizza without all the pepperoni for that spicy taste. I truly think one of the worst things "we the people" are doing to ourselves is overeating, or not stopping before we are full. Today, most of us know that it takes about 30 minutes after the "full" peg has been hit for us to feel it, when we could eat normally. With gastroparesis, the full peg is almost always there 24-hours a day, unless we are following common sense. We learn smoothies are a real good choice, and Bone Broth became a staple for lunch when I just knew it is going to be one of those days. When I went to U of M I actually expected more along the lines of the implant, and was certainly not expecting Botox,
as a remedy. Allergies and sensitivites are no laughing matter, and it makes me approach all things with caution. I certainly fix my own meals most of the time, as eating out produces a lot of issues, and travel became a nightmare, especially on trips with a group where eating dinner was often 7-8 p.m. That does not work for me at all. So, while I do okay most of the time just watching what and when I eat, it has removed a lot of "The character and adventure" my life brought. What I never will understand is why I had to ask my gastroenterologist if I had gastroparesis, instead of him telling me I had it years in advance when he knew it, so I could have chosen a much different path early on, that would have helped my body heal. Our bodies are miraculous at what they can do to heal themselves. If I'd have known early on, I would have made many different choices then I did.


Been there done that. I would love to know how many who have gastroparesis now, started out by having acid indigestion or heartburn and were handed prescriptions for antacids which are now over the counter so everyone uses them. I used to be able to eat anything and loved homemade chili, tacos, wet burritos, etc. To me a pizza wasn't a pizza without all the pepperoni for that spicy taste. I truly think one of the worst things "we the people" are doing to ourselves is overeating, or not stopping before we are full. Today, most of us know that it takes about 30 minutes after the "full" peg has been hit for us to feel it, when we could eat normally. With gastroparesis, the full peg is almost always there 24-hours a day, unless we are following common sense. We learn smoothies are a real good choice, and Bone Broth became a staple for lunch when I just knew it is going to be one of those days. When I went to U of M I actually expected more along the lines of the implant, and was certainly not expecting Botox,
as a remedy. Allergies and sensitivites are no laughing matter, and it makes me approach all things with caution. I certainly fix my own meals most of the time, as eating out produces a lot of issues, and travel became a nightmare, especially on trips with a group where eating dinner was often 7-8 p.m. That does not work for me at all. So, while I do okay most of the time just watching what and when I eat, it has removed a lot of "The character and adventure" my life brought. What I never will understand is why I had to ask my gastroenterologist if I had gastroparesis, instead of him telling me I had it years in advance when he knew it, so I could have chosen a much different path early on, that would have helped my body heal. Our bodies are miraculous at what they can do to heal themselves. If I'd have known early on, I would have made many different choices then I did.

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I totally agree. It’s also amazing the toxic and bad ingredients in food in the USA that I believe are increasing all types of health issues. I too am very cautious with everything I take or eat and love to travel for both work and pleasure all over the world. Sadly health issues have impacted both but when I do I typically need to bring my own food or pick up items there I can eat or have to request the group go somewhere I can find something on the menu (always feel bad about) often I go and have water and visit eating separately before or after the work meal.

Did you ask about the gastric pacing implant, curious what they said vs the botox. I was on aciphex for 20+ yrs up to twice a day only to find out now it’s like a big factor in my poor gut microbiome contributing to lots of other health issues including chronic c-diff for seven months I can’t get rid off. My wellness specialist indicated meds and diet big part of my colon issues. Best of luck to you very glad I signed up for the mayo chat.


I totally agree. It’s also amazing the toxic and bad ingredients in food in the USA that I believe are increasing all types of health issues. I too am very cautious with everything I take or eat and love to travel for both work and pleasure all over the world. Sadly health issues have impacted both but when I do I typically need to bring my own food or pick up items there I can eat or have to request the group go somewhere I can find something on the menu (always feel bad about) often I go and have water and visit eating separately before or after the work meal.

Did you ask about the gastric pacing implant, curious what they said vs the botox. I was on aciphex for 20+ yrs up to twice a day only to find out now it’s like a big factor in my poor gut microbiome contributing to lots of other health issues including chronic c-diff for seven months I can’t get rid off. My wellness specialist indicated meds and diet big part of my colon issues. Best of luck to you very glad I signed up for the mayo chat.

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Type in "Healthy Gut," and read what the gastroenterologist there says about the medical treatment we are receiving being the exact opposite of what we should have been doing. I was taking Pepcid and Tagamet when they were prescription drugs. By nixing the acid in our gut, the FOOD WASN'T DIGESTING. DUH!!!
I haven't been on the site for a while, but I went there after looking at information about our gut and found a young female surgeon talking about what has helped her. I read what she said about SIBO and you probably could have seen the steam coming out of my ears 50 miles away.
By being on all these antacids we destroyed the make up of our gut and the undigested food sitting there, sometimes for 2-3 days, IS WHAT CAUSED SIBO. We are only supposed to get that bacteria in our intestines, but because the food is staying in our stomach so long we are getting bacteria in our stomach. This infuriated me when I was reading it. 2004 to 2025, and I constantly got worse until I started looking for alternatives online and handling my own situation by learning as much as I can. I went to the Healthy Gut site and there were three products that pop up initially. The first one is something like Tribytrin ( I'm just going off memory), and I can't take that as it has sugar alcohol in it, and that stuff I can't get near. I was reading all the comments said about the products and if you can take the one I just mentioned, the young female surgeon said this stuff worked for her to rid her of SIBO.
While reading about the third one, HCL Guard, I saw where a woman also said it took care of her SIBO. I had gotten to where I was getting hiccups and burping just waking up and laying in bed. AGAIN, NOT ONE WORD FROM MY GASTROENTEROLOGIST WHEN ASKED WHAT IS CAUSING THIS? Then wonder why we are going online and looking for information from others with the same issues.
I bought the HCL Guard, which increases the acid in your gut when you eat a bigger meal. I don't take it daily because I don't eat a big meal daily. I graze throughout the day just trying to get protein at one meal and veggies at another, and my dark chocolate is a must each day for me. I'm not giving that up!!!
I try to take the HCL 1-2 times a week, and the hiccups and burping stopped the first week. I still belch after eating, but this other was when I had not eaten or drank anything.
It's comical to read the way it is written, but you might find one of those three products that pop up when you get on that site could help you. The HCL Guard really made a difference for me, but I've only had it for a couple of months and I never take more then one, wheras you will see they recommend 2, 3, or 4, depending on how it comes out the other end. I can't take probiotics that my gastroenterologist recommended as they cause the worst spastic colon I have ever had in my life.
To answer your question about the stomach implant, I asked, but that doctor said they would rather try the Botox first along with a good probiotic.


Type in "Healthy Gut," and read what the gastroenterologist there says about the medical treatment we are receiving being the exact opposite of what we should have been doing. I was taking Pepcid and Tagamet when they were prescription drugs. By nixing the acid in our gut, the FOOD WASN'T DIGESTING. DUH!!!
I haven't been on the site for a while, but I went there after looking at information about our gut and found a young female surgeon talking about what has helped her. I read what she said about SIBO and you probably could have seen the steam coming out of my ears 50 miles away.
By being on all these antacids we destroyed the make up of our gut and the undigested food sitting there, sometimes for 2-3 days, IS WHAT CAUSED SIBO. We are only supposed to get that bacteria in our intestines, but because the food is staying in our stomach so long we are getting bacteria in our stomach. This infuriated me when I was reading it. 2004 to 2025, and I constantly got worse until I started looking for alternatives online and handling my own situation by learning as much as I can. I went to the Healthy Gut site and there were three products that pop up initially. The first one is something like Tribytrin ( I'm just going off memory), and I can't take that as it has sugar alcohol in it, and that stuff I can't get near. I was reading all the comments said about the products and if you can take the one I just mentioned, the young female surgeon said this stuff worked for her to rid her of SIBO.
While reading about the third one, HCL Guard, I saw where a woman also said it took care of her SIBO. I had gotten to where I was getting hiccups and burping just waking up and laying in bed. AGAIN, NOT ONE WORD FROM MY GASTROENTEROLOGIST WHEN ASKED WHAT IS CAUSING THIS? Then wonder why we are going online and looking for information from others with the same issues.
I bought the HCL Guard, which increases the acid in your gut when you eat a bigger meal. I don't take it daily because I don't eat a big meal daily. I graze throughout the day just trying to get protein at one meal and veggies at another, and my dark chocolate is a must each day for me. I'm not giving that up!!!
I try to take the HCL 1-2 times a week, and the hiccups and burping stopped the first week. I still belch after eating, but this other was when I had not eaten or drank anything.
It's comical to read the way it is written, but you might find one of those three products that pop up when you get on that site could help you. The HCL Guard really made a difference for me, but I've only had it for a couple of months and I never take more then one, wheras you will see they recommend 2, 3, or 4, depending on how it comes out the other end. I can't take probiotics that my gastroenterologist recommended as they cause the worst spastic colon I have ever had in my life.
To answer your question about the stomach implant, I asked, but that doctor said they would rather try the Botox first along with a good probiotic.

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I totally agree so important to be your own health advocate. In 2005 when I was first diagnosed with Gastroparesis I went through multiple doctors in various specialties. I lost 90 lbs in four months, found specialists two hours away to go to, by then I had pancreatitis, my gallbladder wasn’t working and my digestion was shut down. I could hardly sip water, couldn’t eat gerber one baby food or anything. It took a very long time to recover but thankfully I pushed to get the referral to go elsewhere. Gastroparesis wasn’t as identified back then or treated as it is now. Interesting you mention sibo, I sent that to my GI doc this weekend due to the symptoms and chronic cdiff wondering if there is sibo or something else going on keeping bacteria there. I will keep searching and learning to work towards good health. I’m going to do some checking into the other items you mentioned. I also heard good things about DMSO and Colostrum just starting to research them for safety and benefits.


I totally agree so important to be your own health advocate. In 2005 when I was first diagnosed with Gastroparesis I went through multiple doctors in various specialties. I lost 90 lbs in four months, found specialists two hours away to go to, by then I had pancreatitis, my gallbladder wasn’t working and my digestion was shut down. I could hardly sip water, couldn’t eat gerber one baby food or anything. It took a very long time to recover but thankfully I pushed to get the referral to go elsewhere. Gastroparesis wasn’t as identified back then or treated as it is now. Interesting you mention sibo, I sent that to my GI doc this weekend due to the symptoms and chronic cdiff wondering if there is sibo or something else going on keeping bacteria there. I will keep searching and learning to work towards good health. I’m going to do some checking into the other items you mentioned. I also heard good things about DMSO and Colostrum just starting to research them for safety and benefits.

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I don't know how you plan any use of DMSO, but word of warning -- My Dad injected DMSO in his late 60's to early 70's because he read about the pain relief he could get in his legs and back. When he spoke you could see the blue vapor coming from his mouth, and the smell of that stuff was horrific, like raw oysters. His whole house smelled like that, and when he went out west every summer to pan for gold, I went over to wash down walls, clean rugs, but the smell was embedded in furniture, carpeting and the walls themselves. At 76 Dad had a minor stroke, and while in the hospital they ran him through a brain scan and found two non-malignant tumors near both sides of the brain stem. No one in our family before or since has had brain tumors, so please be careful. I used Colostrum myself for a couple of years, and while I had no side effects, I also saw no difference, except I didn't get the flu or the annual run of NORO Virus. However, that could also be because my son graduated and moved out to go to college, and they bring every bug there is home with them from school and share freely.
In 2004 I learned about gastroparesis from a nurse at Cleveland Clinic calling to set up appointments for me to go through a barage of tests prior to receiving an artificial aortic valve. When she called I was so weak from having my first gastroparesis attack the night before, with vomiting, diarrhea and hours of dry heaves which finally sent me to ER for IV's to stop the dry heaves. I told her I'd never been hit by anything like that in my life. 12 solid hours, 3 hours of dry heaves and trying to sleep on the floor in the bathroom. Nothing would stop it. The pain across my upper abdomen felt like someone was trying to saw me open. SHE told me her brother had these same attacks every time he ate and told me to look up gastroparesis and see if this is me. It was, and when I went in to see my old gastroenterologist, who I had been with since being 28 years of age, I asked him if I have gastroparesis and he told me, "Well, since you have slowed digestion, and that is what gastroparesis is, I would say yes." Same doctor that misdiagnosed a heart attack at 47 years of age as GERD. That heart attack went undiagnosed for over a month, and my heart built it's own collateral artery to do it's own bypass. Same doctor that put me on all those antacids for over 30 years, and this was back when doctors COULD spend time with their patients. Good luck in all that you try to do for yourself, it's a tough place out there when you have something few have heard about.


Oh my gosh I am so sorry for your health journey and all you have been thru. I appreciate the info on DMSO, I haven’t purchased it yet doing more research but I know some of my sisters are and will let them know. So scary sometimes and hard to know what to try or not try especially when nothing seems to work. Keeping you in my prayers. Thanks!


I wasn’t able to reach my friend again who had surgery to correct her gastroparesis to get the details, but I found multiple articles online (I’m no expert) about surgical treatment options. And, additionally options for electrical stimulation devices to treat it. I saw one device made by Medtronic, who makes my insulin pump. Think it’s called Enterra therapy. I have no affiliation with the company. I might check a medical facility that has the most current information on treatments.


I wasn’t able to reach my friend again who had surgery to correct her gastroparesis to get the details, but I found multiple articles online (I’m no expert) about surgical treatment options. And, additionally options for electrical stimulation devices to treat it. I saw one device made by Medtronic, who makes my insulin pump. Think it’s called Enterra therapy. I have no affiliation with the company. I might check a medical facility that has the most current information on treatments.

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Thank you very much for this information. I will look this up.

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