Welcome to Connect, @mrspix1975 I’m so glad you reached out! Most all of us who have received a bone marrow transplant were required to relocate for many months for the procedure and recovery. We can relate to what you’re going through! And you’re so right, it is an emotional roller coaster for your entire family. I think it’s especially challenging and overwhelming for the caregiver…which is you! You’re responsible for holding the family together while taking care of your husband and little son. That isn’t easy when you’re so far from home!
But you made it through that first hurdle and now everyone is back home and you’re striving for some sense of normalcy. Unfortunately life isn’t quite back to normal yet. For a while there is still the balancing act of getting your husband to appointments, taking care of what used to be his workload at home and also taking care of your little boy’s needs.
I’m sure your son is excited to be back in school with his friends. As a transplant patient myself, I also understand your husband’s concern about trying to keep the home environment free from potential health risks while he’s early in his transplant. He is very vulnerable to illnesses and infections right now so he isn’t comfortable with the possibility of your son bringing germs home from school. Kids are germ bombs. ☺️
When I had my transplant I was already much older with no little children around. It was also before Covid. So I wanted to get a better perspective of life with children before I answered your posting. I spoke with a young father tonight, who recently had his transplant and has 2 children age 5 and under.
My friend suggested two things. First, the best people to ask would be your husband’s transplant team. They know your husband’s health situation, how well he’s recovering and if his blood numbers are returning to normal. His immune system is highly compromised right now. His team may have some good suggestions on how to balance home life with young children in the house.
The 2nd suggestion is to have your son take a short leave of absence from school temporarily until the worst of the cold and flu season is over. Could you consider that as a possibility? Are there workbooks and projects that your son could work on so that he wouldn’t be behind in school?
I know you have so much on your plate right now to manage. Is there a family member who can help you out from time to time? When was your husband’s transplant?
Thank you very much for your message . It’s immensely appreciated!.
My husband has 1 sibbling member close by, and others California unfortunately not reliable . Everyone has their own life struggles going and can only help at times if they are able to,
God Bless 🙂