Can eGFR levels be restored to a more healthy range?
I’ve heard that the Type II Diabetes medication Metformin taken over a long period of time can lead to compromised kidney function. I’m curious to know if it is possible for eGFR levels to be restored to a more healthy range over time. If so, what possible alternative Type II Diabetes medication could possibly replace Metformin, if any?
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Hello, I was taking Metformin for about 3 yrs until I had my radical nephrectomy. I now take Trajenta because my Nephrologist says it’s better for my kidney. It’s crazy how medications can treat a disease but has a side effect that can potentially harm another organ.
As a retired nurse, I remember a comment from a doctor who was speaking to young nursing students about medication. I was one of those students. I'll never forget what he said. "All medication have side-effects." Today,In the fifteen minutes doctors spend with patients, they rarely, if ever warn patients what negative effects to look for. It always best to search on line to find what untoward symptoms indicate potential harm to other organ. Then you take that information to your doctor. Don't be surprised if they "throw cold water" on what the internet reveals.
@ls4mu, I totally agree with you. Your pharmacist is another good source for getting information about side effects of the drugs you take, as well as drug interactions and contraindications. My local pharmacist is a wealth of information and generally knows more about those subjects than the docs.
I've had docs want to prescribe certain drugs for me and I've had to tell THEM that I couldn't take those drugs because they weren't good for my kidneys. Like you said, it's important to do our research and be our own best advocates.
You are SO right about Pharmacists. I'll never forget when I first moved to Georgia, a pharmacist steered me away from a statin that was known to have serious side affects. I took his advice, and so glad I did. Even so, I suffered an Acute Kidney Incident from repeated MRI's and now have to keep an eye on my CKD to avoid dialysis. Since then, not one doctor ever told me to avoid MRI's. So, I became my own "doctor." When a doctor in the emergency room wanted to test to see if I had a blood clot, I forced him to do an alternate test that did not require contrast dye. Boy, was he mad at me. Too bad. 🙂 Self-advocacy should be a required course for all doctors. Today, most consider you interfering with their treatment. Sorry, doctors are necessary, but they are not gods or God.
Yes all meds have side effects. As others have said, before you start a new med ask your doctor &/or pharmacist about the side effects. You can also read all the paper information that comes with the medication.
In regards to MRIs (and other kinds of imaging too) it is not the procedure that is harmful; it is the contrast dye that is hard on the kidneys to filter. If your provider orders imaging remind them that you have kidney issues and ask them to advise on the order regarding the contrast dye.
Regarding whether it is possible to “restore eGFR levels to a more healthy range”, maybe. I am diabetic and have a history of hypertension. I have been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage 4. My eGFR has bounced between 14 - 42 almost 9 years. It is currently 34. I would like to avoid dialysis too. I have an endocrinologist who helps me take care of my diabetes. I have a nephrologist who prescribes meds for my blood pressure and helps me take care of the CKD stage 4.
I’ve also seen a dietician who is well versed in diabetes and renal nutrition. I need to review that information, practice better eating habits and exercise more. I am getting close to being overweight! It is always something!
I believe in God and am grateful for the body and life given to me. I want to be a good steward of my gifts, including the good medical providers I have.
Drugs are the pharmacists' area of expertise, not the doctors. And you are right (sadly so) that doctors do not like to be challenged. But like you said, they are not gods. I propose that medical schools design and require a first year course for all incoming students called: "You Are Not God!"
Great idea!
I tried Metformin for several months and simply could not tolerate it. I'm now on Jardiance and Trulicity. I was on Jardiance for a few years before I had to add the Trulicity. I also am careful with my diet and do my best to include regular exercise. Sadly the transplant drugs can cause type II diabetes and other issues. I went into rejection a few years ago and they walloped my immune system with meds that then caused other issues. As we all know, it can be a roller coaster post transplant. We adjust.