Post-Galleri test journey ...
I hesitated posting because almost all of you are dealing with more serious situations than I am, but hoping for some valuable input and want to share for others who may someday travel a similar path ...
I'm 51 and generally healthy. This all started with my mother-in-law's pancreatic cancer diagnosis three months ago today. We held her funeral yesterday. After her diagnosis I started looking for scans, etc that could detect cancer in general before being told to get your affairs in order and while you still had a fighting chance.
I came across the Galleri blood test which coincidently was offered through the same hospital group (Mercy) that my PCP is affiliated with. My wife (38), wife's father (77), wife's sister (36), and I all took the Galleri blood test. I expected a negative result and was already thinking about whether it was worth getting it done annually going forward at the price of $949.
You probably see where this is going. Out of my wife's family and me, I was the only one who was positive. Took my test just before Thanksgiving. Got the call 12/9/24 from Mercy Precision Medicine (MPM) of my positive result with two possible predicted origins. The first and most likely origin was prostate cancer. The second and less likely origin was "lymphoid lineage". They don't give you much more information than that. The bar graph printed on the test result showed prostate cancer origin likelihood was 4 bars out of 10 while lymphoid lineage was 1 bar out of 10. The only explanation provided was that, "The size of the bar under the CSO represents the match of the DNA methylation pattern to cancers of that tissue or organ. A longer bar reflects a better match ... The size of the bar does not represent the probability of having cancer. Two CSO predictions rarely indicate the presence of multiple primary cancers."
MPM is out of St Louis. I live and took the test in OKC. I only ever talked to PAs from MPM. The PAs were very kind and did a good job scheduling appointments but couldn't really answer medical or technical questions about the test results. They get direction from their three "medical directors" one of who is a urologist. I did not specifically ask to speak with one of their docs, but I got the impression that was not an option.
MPM did get me in for blood work the day after informing me of the results. PSA was 0.62. (My only previous PSA had been six months earlier and was 0.67.) I started thinking some sort of lymphoma was much more likely than prostate cancer. (My sister had non-Hodgkins large T cell lymphoma at about my age while my dad had prostate cancer several years older than I am now.) MPM scheduled me for a CT. Not a whole lot there other than a 4mm nodule on my left lung (recommended follow up CT in 6 months), a "mild prominent lymph node anterior to the GE junction, likely reactive", and some disc damage in my lower lumbar spine. MPM then got me in for a prostate MRI. Two lesions (1.0 and 0.6 cm) that were both scored PI-RADS 3. Prostate calculated volume was 24 cc with a PSA density of 0.03. I immediately wanted a biopsy. MPM got me in quickly to see a urologist.
Urologist seemed sharp and agreed to do the biopsy but said she wasn't real impressed with the Galleri test and doesn't usually biopsy PI-RADS 3 because there's only a 15% chance of malignancy. Unfortunately, our schedules didn't align well for a biopsy as quick as I wanted, and Mercy OKC only does trans-rectal prostate biopsies until they get the proper equipment. I was able to get into see the head of urology at OU's Stephenson Cancer for a trans-perineal biopsy on 1/21/25. Results came through via the app yesterday evening a couple of hours after my mother-in-law's funeral ended.
In some ways a confusing pathology report (8 samples comprising 17 cores), but luckily no cancer detected. The sample from the right posterior lateral area which comprised 2 tissue cores indicated "minute focus of high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN)" which I've discovered essentially means pre-cancerous cells. I believe follow-up biopsies will likely be needed down the road (probably a year from now).
While I was relieved, and if not for the Galleri test result would be much more relieved, I still feel like I am starting a journey just with a slower start than I had feared. Studies have indicated that the Galleri test usually only detects high-grade or late stage prostate cancer so I was very relieved that I do not appear to have either one of those. Although I have a low PSA, some rare, aggressive PC's (small cell & maybe others) do not produce elevated PSAs. I feel like that seems much less likely now but not 100% sure as biopsies sometimes miss cancers.
Follow-up office visit with OU urologist is scheduled 2/7/25. I am going to request a PSMA PET scan to confirm the negative biopsy although I expect push back from urologist and/or insurance. Trying to get into a friend's oncologist-hematologist for a different perspective and a GI doc for colonoscopy and endoscopy. (Never had either.) Have a history of ulcers and was in severe abdominal pain the night after the biopsy which I attribute to being given Toradol (a heavy duty NSAID) for pain management. (I don't take NSAIDS because of my ulcer history.)
My RBC count has been dropping slightly, particularly over the last 18 months, and is now in the below normal range (see below) which with the Galleri test and MRI results caused me to worry that cancer whatever the origin may have metastasized to bones. Now, I think it's more likely that I am experiencing some blood loss in my GI tract.
3/3/17 - 4.62
6/9/23 - 4.47
6/11/24 - 4.27
12/10/24 - 4.19
1/10/25 - 4.12
A friend's wife is a new radiology oncologist in Kansas City and has been a good resource. She says Mayo is the best of the best. If surgery is needed, I plan to go to Mayo. Trying to decide whether to go there for follow up biopsies and/or scans. I'm not sure whether or not there is (1) much benefit in establishing care at Mayo at this stage, and (2) a significant difference in the scanning technology, radiology review, and/or the taking and pathology review of biopsy samples.
Well, that was a lot. Any thoughts are appreciated. Feeling a lot more positive now than I was 24 hours ago. Don't feel like I am on the clock as much as I did but still want to be vigilant without becoming obsessive.
After reading many posts on this forum over the past month I have a completely different perspective and appreciation for the seriousness of prostate cancer and the negative effects of its treatment. My thoughts and prayers are with you all and everyone battling this insidious disease. Keep up the good fight.
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Prostate Cancer Support Group.
soonermagic, you will have saved yourself a ton of agony by finding this cancer so early. Bless your journey.
Not a MD responding here:
Silent cancers, such as pancreatic and prostate, can be a worry.
1st Q: What does your OU Urologist say?
My read is that you have 2 consecutive low PSA test results; an undefinitive MRI and a biopsy that was negative.
That all sounds good.
Have another PSA in 12, or 6, mos and continue to follow up to establish a trend.
You may want to read Patrick Walsh MD's book Surviving Prostate Cancer and/or visit the Prostate Cancer Foundation site and request a free downloadable or hard copy of its Patient Guide.
And have your screening Colonoscopy.
Best wishes.
@soonermagic Its good you are on top of testing and certainly Mayo is a center of excellence and a great choice. Should you choose treatment, you might want to focus on side effects and quality of life from those choices.
Thanks for the response. Agreed on the follow up PSAs. One of my fears was that it was a non-PSA producing prostate cancer. After the biopsy that seems less likely to me. Being able to track it with a minimally invasive procedure is better than not.
Haven't spoken to my OU urologist since biopsy results came in Friday evening. Scheduled for post-biopsy office visit with him on 2/7/25. I got the impression he wasn't sold on the Galleri test calling it "futuristic".
At this point, I'm not sure whether to love or hate the Galleri test. I don't think I will know for awhile whether it accurate or a false-positive, but as a blood DNA test it makes me think that it picked up on something even though that something may not yet be detectable in other ways at least without a PET scan. The way I read one of the Galleri studies a couple of the predicted origins of prostate cancer turned out to be lung cancer so with my lung nodule that has me a little concerned. Not sure how common those are. I've been pretty much solely focused on the prostate angle since the MRI. That's one of the reasons I want to get into the general oncologist for an overall viewpoint of all my testing to date and best path forward.
You are the living example of one of my more recent posts concerning “advanced” genetic/DNA testing.
Although I agree with everyone that early detection is absolutely the key to surviving almost all forms of cancer, going on this road so early in life has doomed you to a lifetime of looking over your shoulder, running from specialist to specialist, test to test, scan to scan trying to head off something that may never materialize.
As @michaelcharles said, everything looks positive as far as your prostate is concerned, yet now you worry about the possibility that you have the extremely rare form that expresses no - or low - PSA….or maybe it’s your lung? where does it stop? At what level of scientific certainty will you be comfortable? Will the next test be better?
I attended an autopsy once and the deceased had ELEVEN things which would have killed him in a year or two, in addition to the one thing that did.
I applaud your commitment and tenacity but give yourself a chance to breathe, OK?
Points well taken. I appreciate the bluntness. Sometimes chill out & take the win is the best advice & course of action.
On the flip side, I feel like traditional medicine is overly dismissive of new technologies that are not yet the standard of care & they play the odds like I do in Vegas. Being in the 15% or 2% or 1% group seems like a minimal risk unless it’s your life on the line.
Balance is important. I will chill out, breathe, and be grateful while I consider future testing options.
Thank you for the thoughtful response. Part of the reason I posted my experience was for the benefit of others who may receive a positive Galleri (or similar) test result. Promising technology, but not a lot of info out there on what to do with it when comes back positive.
Your last paragraph was spot on: “positive technology but not a lot of info out there on what to do with it when it comes back positive”. That is the core issue with much of today’s technology and don’t even get started on AI.
What are we going to do when AI tells us to do one thing and history and experience clearly tells us to do another? I am not a pilot but I often think of the MCAS system on the BOEING 737Max. Imagine being the poor pilot trying to save your doomed aircraft from plowing into the earth by pulling UP on the yoke, while your sophisticated computer driven navigation system is interpreting your actions as a STALL producer and is forcing the nose of your plane DOWN so you can gain airspeed.
All those lives lost because the computer program was defective (and the pilots were not told about it) and interpreted one action for another. Unfortunately, that WILL happen in medicine despite all best intentions.
Thank you so much for posting this. I also received a + Galleri with CSO bone/soft tissue and uterine 2nd. Both were only 1 1/2 bars. Tomorrow I go for a PET/CT - had to wait 7 weeks! Galleri is a bit of a double edged sword that can lead to an endless cancer hunt but I am increased risk due to having common variable immunodeficiency (very low on IgG antibodies that can fight off cancer) Not a ton online on people's experience with Galleri cuz it's so new so thanks for your story! I wish Grail had more answers to questions - I didn't find them that helpful when I spoke to them. All the best to you!
Hope you got good news on your PET/CT. I haven’t found many data points online from those of us who received positive test results. I know some of the studies show 50-60+ percent of positive Galleri results did not result in a cancer diagnosis, but I suspect at least some of that is due to limitations in traditional methods of testing for cancer.
My urologist wants to do a follow up PSA in 3 months & another MRI later this year. I’m following his advice for now. Still planning on scheduling an appointment with a general oncologist to schedule follow up chest CT for my lung nodule & generally to get another take on it all. I don’t really feel like my PCP is qualified to offer the counsel & direction I need.
Going to take a no-cost follow up Galleri test 6 months after the original one. I wonder if anyone with a positive has came back negative on a follow-up? Has to have happened but haven’t seen any reports or stats on that.