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First off, I am a smoker. I usually smoke a pack a day. I do have copd but not advanced-YET. My question, is can my husband's heavy smoking affect my voice? He has adv anced stage 4 lung cancer and advanced copd. Every day he smokes almost 4 packs of cigarettes a day since he has been home bound. Every evening, my voice starts to get a little hoarse. Believe me, I am not blaming him, but I do wonder if his smoking is affecting my voice. I usually am not hoarse by the end of the day. This is something new. I also have noticed that I am wheezing a lot more. Using my inhaler more than ususal. His smoking has doubled since he found out about the cancer. He is not able to do much except sit on his recliner in the living room, watch TV and smoke. And he constantly clears his throat 24/7, It is so annoying to listen to that all day and evening. Yes, I know he is dying from lung cancer but I think he may take me with him before I do it on own. I had just quit smoking 3 weeks before he was admitted to the hospital in september and then was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. He also went into cardiac arrest while there. He did two treatments of chemo/immunotherapy. He couldn't take it so he quit. I don't blame him. He got very sick. He only weighs 90 pounds. Hospice is involved now. I don't need to explain how all this has changed my life. The stress level went through the roof. My blood pressure when checked last week was 155 over 105. I now have Bells palsy which I know that can be caused by stress. I love my husband and don't want to see him die. But the voice thing has me wondering if it is because of all the smoke he is now putting through the house. Does anyone have a thought on that? Thank you and God Bless you all.

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Replies to "First off, I am a smoker. I usually smoke a pack a day. I do have..."

May the Gods help you both . I cannot imagine living in a home with a smoker . Let alone living with the 4 pack a day habit . You are both in a poisonous atmosphere. I smoked for too many years myself . I stopped smoking in my house. in 1992. I stopped smoking completely in 2002. I have stage 4 Emphysema. You should put your health first . There are many other harms for your body when you smoke . Sounds like your husband has given up . Blessed Be, Crystalina