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My docs told me in 2000 to get my affairs in order as my FEV1 (how much air you can blow out in 1st second after full breath) was about 30% of predicted. I’m still about 30% now, 25 years later so no sense getting worked up about dire predictions.

I’d ask whether you can get referred to a pulmonary rehab program to learn more and get a customized exercise program to help you best condition your muscles safely because conditioned muscles use O2 much more efficiently than deconditioned muscles. They cover lots of education as well and can review your meds and be sure you’re taking them optimally.

If you’re on supplemental O2, they can help you adjust it to your needs & activity level (I have to turn mine up to exercise safely and use it for elevation & travel as well).

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Replies to "My docs told me in 2000 to get my affairs in order as my FEV1 (how..."

What do you account for your fev1 not changing after all those years ?