Hi Sally, quite frankly, this isn’t a walk on the beach by any means but you’ll get through it day by day. Much like if you’ve ever had the flu. You have some crumby days but you muckle through and the next thing you know you’re past the worst of it with slow, but steady improvement.
You get through it by knowing you are receiving a second chance at life! That’s powerful! ☺️
Yep, sorry to say, the hair loss will haunt you just one more time. About 10 days after the chemo. Don’t despair!! It should make a reappearance in a couple of months in all its glory! Just in time for summer and sun hats! I had a texture change for a while but the color is the same and I feel there is more hair than before I went through all the AML treatments.
I’ve heard nice things about the transplant house. It sounds like it will be a nice fit for you and your husband over the course of your stay in Rochester.
Congrats on the 10/10 donor. Having the same blood type doesn’t matter though. What’s important is matching key HLA proteins. My blood type and that of my donor weren’t the same. But we were 10/10 match and I now have his blood type. ☺️ It’s all very fascinating.
You’ll learn a great deal with your visits next week. I know it’s daunting seeing all those appointments in the portal! I remember thinking, don’t they know I’m an old lady with cancer?!! There were something like 25 appointments in 5 days. Pfhew! But again…one at a time and they all went like clockwork. I called it being Mayo-naised! Felt like was in a medical blender. 😅
There’ll be a lot of waiting time for your husband while you’re at appointments. And you may not get back to the transplant house between appts so grab a backpack or little tote bag with snacks, water bottles, tablets, books, chargers…There’s a cafeteria but having snacks to grab at a moment’s notice is really handy.
I’m here anytime, Sally! If you think of anything else don’t hesitate to ask! ☺️
Thank you so much !!
You've been such a joy to talk with. I know all will be well💜🙏