You are amazing if you can run 10k miles a day! Inspiring, and that bodes well for your healthy future. I do want to add, though, that both high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes CAN and ARE routinely reversed with lifestyle changes. And who knows what other diseases that are considered “incurable” are ultimately not! Just putting out that ray of hope. A friend of mine with very high cholesterol whose doctor said he needed to go on statins immediately reversed it completely in a matter of a couple of months without the statins. His doc was dumbfounded, of course, since most medical training is drug-oriented and most doctors are taught little about the healing possibilities of diet and other common-sense strategies. Luckily, with BE we already know that airway clearance, a lot of which is just age-old yoga postural and breathing practices, is immensely helpful, along with things like exercise and diet. And for me the best stabilizer of my mild to moderate BE, is hot water, a warm, soupy diet, followed by breathing and other exercises. So far no medication needed, and the hard knocks of bleeding episodes with hospitalization made it clear that those simple life habits can make all the difference and must be maintained. And to be clear, I know only too well that drugs have their place in disease treatment—antibiotics taken daily for two years saved my life from TB at age 20 and I get all vaccines and flu shots available, and go through the recommended round of antibiotics during exacerbations. I am forever grateful for these drugs, yet know that in many instances drugs are overkill, and stem from the bias of typical medical education. Learning all that I can to mitigate symptoms, worsening, with lifestyle changes is where I wish to put my attention. And even though I am no longer being able to eat ordinary meals as I was able to as recently as fifteen months—and miss that—it’s not too high a price to pay for relief from constant bouts of choking and monthly bleeds.
Wishing you all the best,
Thank you - I think TB history when younger is also part of reason of MAC later in life. Unfortunately many MAC patients have family member with lung disease, so I think it is genetic make up. Life style and diet is really important, like you said, those are excellent points! Exercise should be tailor made for everyone too. Mild to moderate may be the best fit for MAC patients. High stress exercise may harm the immune system. Everyone is unique and we have to learn from everyone but find the best way for our unique condition. Wish you the best luck too!