Fosamax Feedback

Posted by oknowwhatpixie @oknowwhatpixie, Apr 30, 2024

Age 57, Last DEXA Oct 2023: Lumbar T-Score -2.7, Hip T-Score -1.7, Femoral Neck T-Score -1.8
My FRAX score adjusted for my Lumbar TScore
Major Osteoporotic 7.4% Hip Fracture 0.9%
Never broken a bone my entire life, and I've taken a few serious tumbles over the years.

After sifting through a lot of information I think I will talk with my Rheumatologist about starting Weekly Fosamax. All preliminary tests have been run and there is no other underlying reason for my Osteoporosis.

I am going to see a nutritionist because I have a poor diet and definitely need to boost my calcium intake. I've also started weight bearing exercises along with my daily walks.

Rheumatologist talked about using Reclast for 2-3 years, but the more I come to understand some of the different medications the more I am leaning towards Fosamax. I've had some heartburn issues in the past but I am thinking that if I follow the instructions diligently for how to take Fosamax I may not run into digestive issues. Was also thinking about extending the wait time to eat after taking and taking a walk to stay upright for 60 minutes. Just as a precaution. Anyone with digestive issues that were able to take Fosamax and not have it make digestive issues worse?

Is it reasonable to think if Fosamax works well for me that my BMD could move out of Osteoporosis in two years and possibly take a drug holiday after two years? I'm hoping to get out of Osteoporosis in my Spine and stay in a stable state for a few years. Everything I read says the first 10 years after menopause is when you lose the most BMD. By the time I finish two years on Fosamax I will have reached 10 years. I know you continue to lose BMD as you age, but I'm optimistic that Diet and Exercise along with a short term use of Meds can get me in a stable spot.

Appreciate any and all feedback!


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Update, my rheumatologist ran all the necessary tests to rule out any underlying reason for bone loss. All negative. I wanted to understand my bone quality via DEXA with TBS which Dr wrote script for. And I told her if quality was good I wanted to pursue BHRT for two years. I just recently completed the DEXA with TBS and bone quality is normal architecture. I had to ignore the DEXA scores due to different facility and different machine. I just started working with a place that deals with BHRT. It is hard to find places that really know how to work with BHRT. Looks like next steps DUTCH test to understand current hormone levels, then determine appropriate BHRT, which I plan to use Transdermal patches. Took sometime to get to this point due to family needs. See my rheumatologist soon to go over where I am at. If I'm able to tolerate BHRT, my next DEXA which insurance will cover is October 2025. So should be able to see if BHRT is helping. All out of pocket costs. If I'm not able to tolerate BHRT, currently have migraine issues, have some concern that BHRT may increase those, I will try Fosamax.
I based my decisions/plan on just being in osteoporosis in spine, bone quality being normal, and still have time to use BHRT.

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