Lifestyle strategies to consider when it comes to managing (not curing) Post-COVID.
1. Meeting water needs everyday even when you’d rather drink something else. 9 cups (72 fl oz) women 13 cups (102 fl oz) men.
2. Eating foods rich in anti-oxidants, healthy fats, and fiber every 3-4 hrs. Consider buying from the deli of a health food store to avoid the fatigue associated with cooking. Consider ordering groceries online to be delivered if possible.
3. Taking 10 minutes each day to engage in a relaxing mind body practice (deep breathing, guided relaxations, being in nature, body scans).
4. Gentle stretching daily to support the aches and pains- especially when higher intensity exercise isn’t possible due to fatigue.
5. Aim for 7-9 hrs of sleep a night to support healing. Wake up at the same time everyday.
6. Develop a gratitude practice to help focus on the bright spots- even if it’s something like “I’m grateful to feel less anxious today”.
7. Lean on your support system- delegate when possible , call loved one for social connection when laying in bed, avoid temptation to isolate.
8. Re-frame what productivity looks like and practice self-compassion when your expectations don’t align with your reality (probably the hardest of all). Pace yourself, avoid over scheduling, and learn how to say no.
I’m writing this not as someone who does these things consistently. None of us are perfect nor will we have the capacity to be as disciplined as we’d like. Simply sharing evidence based healing strategies that can support an improved quality of life.
I hope at least one of these tips helps someone reading this. Sending lots of love and compassion.
God is my keeper, too. Thank you so much. I copied this twice, once for the 'fridge and once for the bulletin board beside my desk. I added prayer and Bible study to item 3, and thanking God daily, and the people you love more often to item 6.