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@jayligon ,

Everyone is different and no doctor has a crystal ball. My first oncologist estimated 2-3 years for me back when I was Stage-2, before Whipple surgery. I'm still doing well, despite the recurrence and Stage-4 status, 3 1/4 years post-diagnosis. Another oncologist told me most patients on my chemo (GAC) develop resistance or intolerance to it after 6-9 months. I'm still going fairly strong on it at the 2-year mark.

@stageivsurvivor linked a good paper a while back about interpreting the statistics and how they change over time. I failed to bookmark it then, so I'm hoping he'll re-post if he reads this -- it was a pretty encouraging read. 🙂

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Replies to "@jayligon , Everyone is different and no doctor has a crystal ball. My first oncologist estimated..."

I think this may be the essay you are referring to addressing cancer statistics-

Thank you.