Barrett’s esophagus: Your tips and treatment?

Posted by wmbcat @wmbcat, Mar 7, 2022

I have BE but can’t take PPIs or H2 Blockers. I’ve developed a cough. How do I treat it?

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I too have acid reflux and coffee drinker for many many years. Was very difficult to not have that morning Brew. I tried decaf still had gerd symptoms. I did finally come upon French chicory hot drink. Looks like coffee almost tastes like coffee and I really am enjoying it now I put some creamer and a little honey in it. So I look forward to that in the morning. I am totally caffeine free. Try the chicory coffee at I hope that works for you.

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It was tough for me to stop coffee as well. The headaches do go away after a day or two. The key for me was getting a variety of herbal teas and using those as my morning beverage. I have grown to really enjoy different herbal teas. It is also important to stay hydrated, so I make sure I am drinking lots of water, and probably grabbing water where I would have been getting a coffee. I hope this helps.

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Thank you

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In reply to @darleneporter "👍" + (show)

I should also say that I too had headaches after tapering off caffeine. There again I went to Amazon and got there ice hats. It's a hat with blocks of ice in it and it really helps the headache. You should ask about 20 minutes or half hour and by then my headache is a lot less severe if not gone. Hope this works for you.


Can you give me any hints on stopping drinking coffee, I have tried half caffeine and half decaf, but not helping, headaches, I have Barrettes disease, trying to drink herbal teas, Dr wants me to stop all coffee. Thank you.

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I drink Folgers sensitive stomach decaf without any issues so far. Best of luck!


Try buying (or checking out at a library) the Acid Watcher Diet by Jonathan Aviv MD. It’s an excellent book and resource. I follow the diet and so many of my Barrettes symptoms have gone away. I have been able to lower my omeprozole from 80 mg a day to 30 🙂 My ENT is very pleased and I am hopeful my next scope should prove improvement.
ALSO Look up the Acid Watcher Diet Warriors Support Group on Facebook.
They are so supportive and in fact someone in this support group,, directed me to both the book and the support group mentioned above. Life has truly improved!

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Good book. I have that one also have the gastritis healing book and dropping acid the reflux diet. My health has greatly improved by following a better diet and hope these will help you !


I have had GERD - caused by a hiatal hernia - for about twenty years, and have been on a PPI (Lansoprazole) for as long. I know there has been advice not to use PPIs for longer than two weeks, but I have had no side effects or complications having used it for this long. No BE - I have had endoscopies done every five years (at the same time as a colonoscopy) to ensure I have not developed Barrett’s.

I eat and drink whatever I want, but having said that, I have never been fond of sweet stuff like cakes, cookies, etc. (though I do indulge in a bit when I get a craving), chips (except for the occasional small order of McDonald’s fried) or carbonated drinks. I do love carbs though and eat rice every day for supper! lol. I cannot drink lemon juice or apple cider vinegar because I find them very acidic - even though everyone assures me they are really alkaline (go figure, eh!)! I cannot eat pineapple or take bromeline either for the same reason. I eat only two meals a day, between noon and 8:00 p.m. - the latest, 9:00 p.m. - and maybe an occasional snack between the two meals. I ever eat past 9:00 p.m., to avoid reflux when I go to bed around midnight. Despite that, sometimes I wake up with chest pain but a few sips of water (always kept by my bedside) eases that.

I also find having the head of my bed raised about six inches helps prevent any regurgitation or reflux. I used risers for years to elevate the top of my bed (available on Amazon or in any bed and linens store) but recently bought an adjustable bed (also available on Amazon) which I find even better as I can raise or lower the head or foot of my bed - or both, which I haven’t done yet though - to any height. I avoid bending over to do any kind of work as I can guarantee chest pain within minutes if I do, and I never lie flat on my back for the same reason.


I drink Folgers sensitive stomach decaf without any issues so far. Best of luck!

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Thank you for the update


I changed from drinking hot coffee to a iced coffee. Hot coffee made me reflux too much. But for some reason iced coffee isn’t as bad I might give the lemon and honey a try. Thank you

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I was told by my Dr. Not to use lemon.


I do not eat or drink anything after 8 pm and I absolutely do not take ibupropen in any shape or form. Only Tylenol. The BE has disappeared.


PPIs are the gold standard for Barrett’s. I take 80 mg a day. I do have issues it’s them upsetting my gut but I’d rather that than developing a cancer caused by Barrett’s .
You also need to be very proactive with your diet.
I also take a pre and probiotic daily.

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