Feet Arthritis, no cartilage left & bunions

Posted by marria15 @marria15, Jan 24 5:15pm

Hello. I have Arthritis in both of my feet along with bunions and no cartilage left( no padding). I am struggling very hard with the arthritic pain. Some days tears are running down my face. I've had alot of pain in my life but nothing as painful as this. It's downright scary. Is there anyone else out there with these 3 things? I feel alone and would love to hear what you have done to cope. Thank you

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I also have terrible pain in my feet and it is awful. Some hard spots on them which my foot doctor said was keratosis and removed two a couple of years ago. He retired. But I do have sjogrens and SFN I’m not sure why they are so red swollen especially on the side of my large toe. I’m sorry I understand your pain. Another doctor recommended soaking in Epson salts. Sorry spelling error.


Oh, I can relate and I'm so sorry. I have exactly the same situation. The pain comes and goes and is worse at certain times, particularly when I've used my feet more. What has helped a little is getting a carbon plate for my shoes. It doesn't eliminate the problem but it minimizes the amount your toes are bending. They slip under your insole and you can get them on Amazon. This is the pair that I bought:
I also use a CBD cream on my toes (or any other part that hurts). It helps a little.

I know I need surgery but have put it off for decades. It's definitely getting worse but I still walk, hike and dance.


Thank you for your response. Yes, some days are definitely worse than others. I will look into the insoles you suggested. Thanks again!

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