Diverticulitis prevention

Posted by ayersg @ayersg, Apr 6, 2023

Is there a way to prevent diverticulitis from recurring? Is there a change in diet that can help heal the colon issue that causes it?

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Every day? You don't get medication? Due to my 1st of 2 episodes being hospitalized with a perforation that repaired itself...I seek medical attention. But 6 years apart. Confusing!

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Yes, the low residue diet works best for me, but please remember that we are all different. During a flare up you should follow your doctor's suggestion.

It is important to prevent constipation so finding supplements and foods that help you is important.

No, I do not take prescribed medication, but stool softeners (like MiraLAX or Colace) and a fiber supplement (I use Citrucel).

Finding the right eating plan and supplements is often a matter of trial and error. Keeping a food diary of what foods (or supplements) might trigger a flare up is a good idea.

Finid what is best for you. There is no one eating plan that will work for everyone.


@maxine50 Wow, it's so difficult for you to find a healing menu. Your doctor should be on top of getting you comfortable and on the road to healing, whether you need antibiotics or more. Don't let up on seeing him. Make appointments once a month for three months in advance and keep seeing him/her until you have a plan. I did this with my new urogynocologist for my chronic UTI's... 10 in 12 months. She got to know me well and became vested in getting to the bottom of the problem. Get your doctor working or CHANGE doctors, making three appts up front.

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how did you stop frequent utis?


how did you stop frequent utis?

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Hello @pdx2ogg and welcome to Mayo Connect. It looks as if are responding to a post by @maxine50, where she mentions diverticulitis and UTIs. Here is a link to her post.
If you would like to connect with others about UTIs, I recommend that you read the posts from members who have had problems with UTIs. Here is a link to those posts.
When you see a member's post that you would like to respond to or ask a question, just click "Reply" under that member's post and then they will be notified that you have posted to them.

How long have been bothered by UTIs, @pdx2ogg?


how did you stop frequent utis?

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I asked my urogynocologist that question. Her simple answer was she was consistently treated me as a "complicated" UTI. I was given longer days on antibiotics, so that I wasn't repopulating. Other changes included a vaginal estrogen crème to strengten the tissues and I started taking D-Mannose (supplement). I had a pessary that helped to keep my bladder in position to try and ward off retention which was a contributing factor to UTI.
This past June, having gone without a UTI for months, I began bleeding. Got all the tests and was planning a biopsy, when she uncovered that I am a victim of eroding mesh from a 1994 mesh sling used to lift my bladder. I was operated on this past July to remove what could be seen. The eroding mesh was causing the bleeding tissue. I have a suspicion the eroding pieces of mesh have been the cause of my UTI's and much more. I'm still trying to figure it out. Best wishes for your journey to finds a solution.


I have tried MiraLAX .Metamucil does anyone else have any recommendations on fiber supplements that take everyday I had diverticulitis in June with a whole in color (abscess) had colonoscopy and have 2 spots of diverticulitis and to eat regular food other than soft leaves pain in side. Been drinking 64 ounces of water still no luck please help


After I had to have a colon resection I asked the surgeon what I needed to do to prevent it from ever happening again. His answer was a quick “never let yourself get constipated.” Well that is easier said than done if you have chronic intestinal issues. I tried both Metamucil and Miralax. They did nothing at all. What has worked for me is IBS Clear with bioperine. I know it probably won’t work for everyone, but for me it does, Good luck.


I have tried MiraLAX .Metamucil does anyone else have any recommendations on fiber supplements that take everyday I had diverticulitis in June with a whole in color (abscess) had colonoscopy and have 2 spots of diverticulitis and to eat regular food other than soft leaves pain in side. Been drinking 64 ounces of water still no luck please help

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Klsp, Slippery elm (inner bark) powder. The Frontier brand is very good. Put some in hot cereal or a hot drink. I use it with each meal. 1/8 teaspoon per meal for me. See what works for you.

Also Hilma Gentel Bowel Support for magnesium, it softens stool.

For fiber, I use plantain flour for my hot cereal and baked goods. Cooked potatoes, butternut squash, parsnips. You should be able to tolerate spinach.

Eggs, especially the egg white protein, is gentle protein and heals any inflammation.

Lactose free milk is gentle too.

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