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Just an FYI on Proton radiation. The proton beam equipment is large and expensive. The expense however is not really the issue as the equipment price is actually similar to a Photon system. The size however is the "larger" issue as most facilities simply do not have the room for the bigger equipment, and real-estate is also a consideration in the total costs. The Proton machine I have encountered took up three floors in height and a very large room for the patient. This is likely the primary reason these units are not so available as one might hope. In Canada in fact there are none to my knowledge.
Mayo Clinic in Rochester has a Proton unit. In addition, knowing that the use is specific and important to many patients, particularly children, Mayo charges a use fee on par with the photon units. I understand that several other hospitals and clinics have also followed Mayo's example in this.
Some day I shall research as to how many Proton units exist and where they are set up. Until then, most oncologists should have access to the knowledge of where the nearest unit can be found.

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Replies to "Just an FYI on Proton radiation. The proton beam equipment is large and expensive. The expense..."

A few years back there was only about a dozen but looks like when I researched it just now there are now about 45 of these Proton Radiation machines see link: https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/oncology/45-cancer-centers-with-proton-therapy-in-the-us.html#:~:text=There%20are%20only%2045%20cancer,radiation%20directly%20to%20a%20tumor.

I live in Wisconsin, and we are just completing one at Froedtert & MCW Health and the UW-Carbone Cancer clinics. I am a patient at Froedtert and William Olsen is right they are massive. Matter of fact both of these clinics built them from the foundation for the new buildings where they will be housed. I wish I had one of these back in 2008 when I received my first head and neck cancer and had 35 rounds (70GY) of the Photon radiation, I would have avoided my second and third cancer which I unfortunately received in 2024. God Bless.

I am a patient at Mayo Jacksonville. Mayo Jacksonville does not offer proton radiation treatments. They are building a cancer center and will start offering proton radiation in 2026.
Proton radiation treatments are offered at Mayo Rochester and Mayo Phoenix and offer the most modern types and different treatments.

I went to UFHPTI in Jacksonville Florida for my prostate cancer treatment. They have 5 gantries treatment rooms. They do not charge a use fee and have not seen other posters talk about use fees at Mayo Phoenix or Mayo Rochester. Medicare pays for proton radiation and my secondary BCBS paid also. I did not have to pay any out-of-pocket expenses.

Back in 2006 when UFHPTI was built there were only a few medical facilities with proton radiation treatments. That has expanded tremendously since then. There are many proton radiation treatment facilities throughout the U.S. now.