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Good morning @g4c, Welcome to Connect. Before taking any supplements or radically changing your diet after a BMT, it is advisable to speak with your transplant team. Depending on where you are in the recovery process, some supplements and foods can significantly interfere with medications you’re taking.
Having had AML and a BMT myself, I know that there’s always the thought of the specter over the shoulder and we want to do everything in our power to not require a repeat or to have a relapse of the disease. Some of the mutations which were the drivers for the AML can impact the success but for the most part, these transplants are highly successful.

I’ll be celebrating my 6th re-birthday in June this year. While I’m very mindful of anything I put into or on my body, I really haven’t altered my diet very much and still load up daily on fresh fruits, veggies, healthy proteins, grains and oils, while avoiding sugar and processed foods, etc.. I absolutely understand your desire to do whatever you can to promote the best possible scenario for continued health after your transplant. I’ll be following along with this discussion to see what fellow Chimeras have with diet and potential supplements. This is a great question!

We have a growing number of members who have had BMT for AML, MDS and other conditions requiring the transplant. If you’d like to share your story I love for you to join us here:

My Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT/SCT) story: Will you share yours?
How long ago was your transplant? Was your AML difficult to reach remission? Have your chimerism tests remained stable?

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Replies to "Good morning @g4c, Welcome to Connect. Before taking any supplements or radically changing your diet after..."

I can’t tell you how important it is to hear from survivors because looking at the statistics is just so scary. My induction was successful and the transplant has engrafted. Had a bout of skin GVHD but no more. Coming up on my 2 year post transplant check. Blood counts continue to improve. Workout hiking or with weights 6 days a week, no sugar, meat, dairy. Not on any meds for months now.