Effects of HRT: Alone, in Combination or Sequencing
Have you used HRT as the sole modality for osteopenia or osteoporosis? How about using it in a therapy sequence or in combination with another osteodrug, either an anabolic or an antiresorptive? What is the outcome of such choice(s)?
After a diagnosis of osteoporosis nearly 3 years ago, I elected Forteo as my first drug therapy then transitioned to HRT afterwards. Forteo gave me a jump start on building bones: lumbar bmd +8.6%, hips r/l +4.8/2.2%, femur necks r/l +8.9/3.4%. Bmd improvements are as follows after 22mo Forteo followed by 6mo HRT (scans were done with same machine and by same tech):
Lumbar spine bmd +18%, T score from -3.4 to -2.3;
Right hip bmd +9%, T score from -2.3 to -1.8;
Left hip bmd +4.1%, T score from -2.1 to -1.8;
Right femur neck bmd +16%, T score from -2.4 to -1.6;
Left femur neck bmd +9.8%, T score from -2.5 to -2.0;
TBS from 1.264 to 1.322
So far so good but I know this is just the start of a long road ahead.
I’m very grateful for the existence of Mayo Clinic Connect. Without this forum I’d never thought HRT would be in the cards as I’m more than 10 years past menopause. Many thanks to @vkmov for initiating the thread “Transdermal HRT”, @teb for her generous sharing of personal experiences, and countless members for their in depth discussions and suggestions.
The inclusion of HRT in the management of osteoporosis isn’t mainstream, in fact it is not approved for the treatment of osteoporosis so data and evidence are lacking. It will be helpful if we could share the outcomes of HRT among those of us who have chosen to use HRT under the care of our team of physicians. Dexa results possibly with bone turnover markers and/or TBS info if available will be nice. By the way, my CTX trended down to 163 after 6mo HRT from a high of 793 at end of Forteo treatment, a change I didn’t anticipate at all.
Any comments or analysis are welcome; and best luck to us all no matter what therapy path(s) we choose!
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.
I'm sorry I keep saying CVD when I mean CAD. They are not the same.
I am very interested in how your treatment with Transdermal HRT goes. I did 24 months of Forteo in 2016. Follow up with Evista for 5 years, now doing Forteo again, but not sure how many months I will do that as there seems to be no research on the safety of extended use. The only study I found was for folks with an underlying condition where other meds were not effective. HRT seems to be the least intrusive and without side effects? I was to follow up with Evenity but not liking some of the side effects mentioned as well as it being the same manufacturer as Prolia? And acts similar to Prolia after the first few months? Prolia gave me jaw problems and loss of two molars, so would not like to try that again, but have to say Prolia worked wonderfully for my sister, who has been on it for 10 years now and moved from Osteoporosis to Osteopinia.
Keep us posted of your journey!! And thank you for sharing. All the best to you. : )
PS. I am 67 and T score of -3.5 on hip. Cannot do spine due to prior fractures.
@kisu i truly appreciate for the detailed information and knowledge - many of us in this journey could benefit from them, I sure did.
Now knowing APO-E better, I will request getting it done as i have been thinking about knowing my genotype and now have one more reason to do it. It is also very nice to know about the newer drugs to lower LPa - could be useful for those with not-too-high LPa.
This review paper, published in 2023, first authored by a Cleveland Clinic cardiologist is among my favorite: "Rethinking Menopausal Hormone Therapy: For Whom, What, When, and How Long?"
I was never sure about the 10yr cvd risk based various calculation methods. The before and after LDL-c level after statin treatment made a noticable difference. However the confidence my cardiologists presented to me was a great assurance. We all need to be vigilant as atherosclerosis is a slow progressive process largely dependent on accumulative exposure of atherogenic particles over the years, among other factors. Careful monitor by our cardiologist(s) is a must.
As to monitoring progress with HRT therapy, personally I like to have periodic bone markers testing with a yearly Dexa scan to confirm reslts. When introducing a new therapy or withdrawal from an existing therapy, I request a dexa scan with btms as either a baseline or an end result point to see exactly which therapy/agent did what. I understand this approach may not work for everyone for a number of reasons and has its limitations.
I enjoy a lot reading your story and experiences. Thank you very much for sharing!
My mother was on HRT into her nineties. She didn't break any bones and her mind was as sharp as a tack until she went off a few years before she passed away at 97. I'm a believer in HRT. Like so many things in women's health, there is a lot of misinformation and nonchalance about doing what is best for us!
I read low doses are best for people over 65
Thanks for bring this up @kforrest . I also read couple of publications comparing low and conventional dose of transdermal patches. Here is a link for one article in case anyone is interested:
I wasn't sure about my dosing at the beginning and that's the reason I used bone markers as a guide as my bone markers are pretty responsive to therapies.
My sister-in-law (retired MD) told me I should be on HRT’s until I die. Some women need it, for others the risks out way the benefits. It is true that we all need to be addressed as individuals with different treatment options. I’ve said it on this forum before; that the Women’s Health Initiative study in the early 2000’s set us all back. Flawed study that scared the health care industry regarding HRT after menopause. If this were largely a male disease we would have it solved.
Fascinating. So have you exclusively used HRT? In treating osteoporosis? Sorry if that’s what you said, but I’m trying to unravel what others are doing, as my path is currently not working or changing anything.
Did you already share what your path is?
Hi @patwerthman I'm not too sure if your question was directed to me or to someone else. In any case, I had 22mo treatment with Forteo as my first med, which was followed up with HRT. So now im only on HRT. The idea is to use it as a mild/moderate antiresorptive although estrogen has numerous effects on bones. Currently I'm in osteopenia range so hopefully HRT is sufficient to counter any foreseeable bone loss. The plan is to boost bone building with retreatment of Forteo should future dexa scan call for more anabolic therapy.