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My trial provided no relief because the leads could not be placed in the "sweet spot". Too much scar tissue from the old stimulator being removed. You say you got 95% relief with the permanent implant for two days. What do you mean when you say that you went too far? Did you start doing too much strenuous activity too soon?

I am looking into something called scrambler therapy. You can check it out by doing a search. Since a doctor at Johns-Hopkins is doing it, I figured it is not a scam. Way too many of those out there. I hope you can get your stimulator back to working.

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Replies to "My trial provided no relief because the leads could not be placed in the "sweet spot"...."

@heisenberg34 I was feeling so good and forgot and bent down to pick up a magazine off the floor, after that the pain was back. I don’t want another surgery but would rather fix it before all the scar tissue builds up. I will look into the scrambler therapy you never know it might just be what I need or someone else hat wouldn’t have known if you hadn’t mentioned it. I agree you never know what’s legit anymore that’s why I mainly been relying on Mayo Clinic or Cleveland Clinic