Looking ahead after Tymlos: Reclast, Evenity or HRT?

Posted by psmnonna @psmnonna, May 29, 2024

Sorry this may be a bit long, but here is some backstory:

I am on month 5 of 24 of Tymlos. I'm not loving it much, but tolerating it so far. Side effects of rapid heart rate and sometimes shoulder, chest or back pain for about 30-45 mins following injection. Doc said not to worry, so ignoring it for now. Anyone know of damage to the heart from chemically induced rapid heart rate daily over a 2 yr period? I work out, run, bike, walk, hike, yoga and do weights. As I have for over 40 years. Along with healthy mostly veggie diet, fresh veggies, fresh fruit, high protein from nuts, beans, tofu, etc. My calcium intake easily surpasses the 1200mg daily recommendation so I take no extra calcium other than what is in my daily multivitamin. For about 3 years I've added a D3, K2 as MK-7, magnesium and fish oil. Where the osteoporosis came from is anyone's guess. No family history, and at 66 I am younger than both of my sisters who are 72 and 77 with no osteoporosis. Mom passed at 93 with only 2 years of Reclast before that as she had no osteo either, just osteopenia.....but she was in her 90s before she started. So here I am young, active and healthy (I like to think, anyway) with a spine Dexa of -3.6. Since I already do everything that is recommended and have for years before my diagnosis I decided to go the drug route, which makes me cringe. But seeing as my lifestyle didn't prevent a low dexa score I saw few alternatives.

My main question for those of you out there in the know is where do I go after my 2 years of Tymlos?
~I have recently seen some things about HRT for people over 10 years past menopause. Apparently new research points to this being an OK alternative since past studies were not correct?? So basically a whole generation told that HRT was dangerous and caused increased risk of stroke and heart attack was incorrect (which is why I never started it)? But does that mean that it would be OK to start HRT at 68, the age I will be after Tymlos?
~Evenity....is this similar to HRT?
~Reclast...am I correct in thinking that this is a super-sized yearly dose of a bisphosphonate? What does this do to osteonecrosis of the jaw and spontaneous femur fractures over time? How many years can you take it and if it has a limitation, then what?
Thanks for any and all insights. 🙂

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@drsuefowler yes that 20% gain in spine was at the 18 month mark with Tymlos. I did 6 more months, then 4 months Evenity, then 6 months Reclast, I have a DEXA tomorrow!

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Hi @windyshores. I recently finished almost 17 months of Tymlos. Unfortunately, I just found out I have high urine calcium (365), so I have to stop. At the one year mark I had a 14.7% increase in my spine and I am very pleased with that result. I don’t know if my hips improved or not because my left has been replaced and my right has a pin in it. (Therefore they can’t do a DEXA on either one.) They did test my right forearm and sadly it didn’t improve at all. I’ve been told that our forearms are mostly cortical bone and Tymlos doesn’t do much for that. This is very upsetting to me because I am a fine art painter and I’d hate to break my right arm or hand. Right now my forearm has a T score of -3.6 (severe osteoporosis). For this reason I wanted to do a short course (similar to what you did) of Evenity. I was hoping the Evenity would improve the cortical bone in my wrist. However, my doctor said that would be a huge mistake because I would probably lose all my gains from Tymlos. Since I had four compression fractures prior to starting Tymlos going back to square 1 is a terrifying thought! My question for you is did you lose any of your Tymlos gains while you were on Evenity? I assume not or you would have said so, but I’m asking the question because I have to be sure. Also, do you know of anyone else that followed this sequence with success? And lastly could you share the name of your doctor with me? You may want to PM that last information to me if you don’t mind providing it. I thought I had 7 more months to figure this all out, but now I have to know as soon as possible. If I don’t do the Evenity I plan to go on Fosomax. I did not chose Reclast because I have TMJD which often causes dental problems. From what I’ve read, Fosomax is much less likely to cause ONJ than Reclast. I’d appreciate any information you can give me. Thank you, @8fish


@drsuefowler yes that 20% gain in spine was at the 18 month mark with Tymlos. I did 6 more months, then 4 months Evenity, then 6 months Reclast, I have a DEXA tomorrow!

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Good luck @windysgores! Let us know your results.


Hi @windyshores. I recently finished almost 17 months of Tymlos. Unfortunately, I just found out I have high urine calcium (365), so I have to stop. At the one year mark I had a 14.7% increase in my spine and I am very pleased with that result. I don’t know if my hips improved or not because my left has been replaced and my right has a pin in it. (Therefore they can’t do a DEXA on either one.) They did test my right forearm and sadly it didn’t improve at all. I’ve been told that our forearms are mostly cortical bone and Tymlos doesn’t do much for that. This is very upsetting to me because I am a fine art painter and I’d hate to break my right arm or hand. Right now my forearm has a T score of -3.6 (severe osteoporosis). For this reason I wanted to do a short course (similar to what you did) of Evenity. I was hoping the Evenity would improve the cortical bone in my wrist. However, my doctor said that would be a huge mistake because I would probably lose all my gains from Tymlos. Since I had four compression fractures prior to starting Tymlos going back to square 1 is a terrifying thought! My question for you is did you lose any of your Tymlos gains while you were on Evenity? I assume not or you would have said so, but I’m asking the question because I have to be sure. Also, do you know of anyone else that followed this sequence with success? And lastly could you share the name of your doctor with me? You may want to PM that last information to me if you don’t mind providing it. I thought I had 7 more months to figure this all out, but now I have to know as soon as possible. If I don’t do the Evenity I plan to go on Fosomax. I did not chose Reclast because I have TMJD which often causes dental problems. From what I’ve read, Fosomax is much less likely to cause ONJ than Reclast. I’d appreciate any information you can give me. Thank you, @8fish

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@8fish I wish I had known I could have a DEXA before 2 years. Noone told me that and I just found out!

I attended a master class with Lani Simpson before going on Tymlos and a woman in the presentation had done Tymlos then Evenity with gains from each. Some posters here have done that. My doctor said there was "no data" on this and both my doctor and another endo told me that I was the only one in their practice doing Evenity after Tymlos and was my "own protocol." My doctor wrote "thank you for your persistence" which I thought was humorous.

At 18 months my bone markers showed that Tymlos probably wasn't doing anything. I spoke to my endo, another endo (mine was away) and McCormick and all said to finish the two years but all agreed it might not be doing much. So stopping at 17 months might be okay. Congrats on your gains! (Cortical is tough to address!)

I am concerned that your doctor said you could lose all your gains if you do Evenity. Argh! Hope that isn't true! Evenity is so new that there is no research finished as yet to support going either way.

I am having a DEXA tonight. I did two years Tymlos at 7/8 dose. 4 months Evenity, half the time with one shot not two, and two 1mg (low dose) Reclasts in June and September. My CTX is 145 though my doctor does not rely on bone markers.

I feel like I have been flying a plane in the dark with no instrument panel! I see my doctor in early March and hope to discuss doing anabolics again, but I am sure there is "no data" on that either. A big question for our doctors: what is the long term plan? All these meds have time limits (Prolia is up to 10 years now but my doc doesn't use it). So if we have 20 years left, what's the plan?


Good luck with the DEXA! Interested to know the outcome.


I just looked back at my spinal X-rays and DXA 's from 2021 and 2023. I have fractures in T12, L1 and L5 but one x-rays says L2 as well. My 2021 DEX did L1-L4 ( two months after fracturing) and my 2023 DXA did L2-L4.

So comparisons may not be valid. Also, I just read that L3 and L4 do not give reliable results.

Fractures, scoliosis and arthritis (and other degenerative changes) all affect DXA (raise the scores in the case of fractures an arthritis). So I have a kind of ballpark mentality here. Plus DXA's fluctuate in my experience for no reason at all! At least I will have the same machine.

I had a 19+ gain in spine and 9% gain in hip with less improvement in femur neck between 2021 and 2023 and regardless of distortions from fractures I feel confident that Tymlos helped me a lot.

During COVID I was off Tymlos for 3 weeks (heart was affected by COVID) and then I didn't do full dose Evenity two out of four times. My doctor allowed me to wait two months to start Reclast and it was low dose, cumulative dose 2mg, and lst one was September. So I am nervous.


@drsuefowler yes that 20% gain in spine was at the 18 month mark with Tymlos. I did 6 more months, then 4 months Evenity, then 6 months Reclast, I have a DEXA tomorrow!

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Hope you find out that you’ve make great gains! Let us know how your DEXA turned out! @windyshores


Hope you find out that you’ve make great gains! Let us know how your DEXA turned out! @windyshores

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@8fish radiologist had a family emergency and my appointment was cancelled. They are very sorry so maybe they will find me a cancellation!


@8fish radiologist had a family emergency and my appointment was cancelled. They are very sorry so maybe they will find me a cancellation!

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So sorry for the delay. Waiting for these tests is a whole other source of anxiety!

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