← Return to Strontium citrate (Algaecal) and fractures

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@kathleen1314 I guess what you missed is that you are kind of preaching to the choir. I used strontium when my bones were mildly osteoporotic. I had cancer and those meds caused severe bone loss and strontium was too slow and gentle for me after all those fractures. I wrote that I am open to considering strontium for maintenance. Not sure why you are writing so much on this to me.

I said "even" because McCormick is a chiropractor known for expertise in holistic approaches who is very open minded and individualizes treatment. His new book is "Great Bones>" I was surprised that he is not on board for strontium.

Last post on this topic for me. It isn't an emotional one for me as it seems to be for you.

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Replies to "@kathleen1314 I guess what you missed is that you are kind of preaching to the choir...."

I am writing to you when you reply to me. It just seems courteous not to ignore your replies and the questions which you put to me.
I try very hard not to be emotional or to accuse others of preaching or being emotional. I think that you are doing your best in a difficult medical situation. You deserve to be shown the respect of a reply to your questions and concerns.
I hope that your bone plan works and that you do well on it.