← Return to Strontium citrate (Algaecal) and fractures

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The REMS and TBS reports/ self reporting now make the DEXA concerns moot. Both REMS, self reporting and TBS, research show that strontium users have both good density and good bone quality, both in research and in self reporting.
I should have said "many" rather than "most" because no study, research, or self reporting covers most. Pardon the miswording; I usually say many. Plus, the femoral neck always lags behind in any bone meds, even strontium. It is just the nature of the bone.
Here is a study on strontium ranelate users increases:
"In experiments, strontium in bone correlated with strontium in plasma. In this study, strontium ranelate increased bone mineral density at three years by 14.4 percent at the lumbar spine, by 8.3 percent at the femoral neck, and by 9.8 percent at the total hip, and bone strength is directly proportional to bone mineral density"
Here is a posting of strontium user stories on Inspire; these are self reports:
Are you not doing well on your chosen 10 year bone plan? If you are, I see no reason to change.
I will say that I am not seeing reports of pharma osteoporosis drug users who have, after treatment, had normal bone densities plus, good bone quality. I do see strontium users regularly who self report this.
I have asked several times for osteoporosis drug users to start a posting with good stories about their now normal bone densities and good bone quality, or just good stories. No one has replied or started such a posting. I would love to see one so I may include it in replies to those new posters to osteoporosis boards which ask "what are my options?".

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Replies to "The REMS and TBS reports/ self reporting now make the DEXA concerns moot. Both REMS, self..."

Thank you for sharing; I will take a look at these links.

I fractured last year after 5+ years on Fosamax so no, I am not doing well on my bone plan.

@kathleen1314 I guess what you missed is that you are kind of preaching to the choir. I used strontium when my bones were mildly osteoporotic. I had cancer and those meds caused severe bone loss and strontium was too slow and gentle for me after all those fractures. I wrote that I am open to considering strontium for maintenance. Not sure why you are writing so much on this to me.

I said "even" because McCormick is a chiropractor known for expertise in holistic approaches who is very open minded and individualizes treatment. His new book is "Great Bones>" I was surprised that he is not on board for strontium.

Last post on this topic for me. It isn't an emotional one for me as it seems to be for you.