Recovery has been slow and challenging, but I'm not giving up.
I have made it my mission to help others with their recovery. To that end, I have a YouTube channel, plus I have given a couple of talks on the subject, one at Texas Christian University and recently at Arlington [Texas] Rehab Hospital. I hope to do more!
Just one thing that has helped me a lot is to think of my recovery in *dimensions*, rather than *phases*. I use the term "The Three Su's":
Briefly, Survive is the basics of existence -- cleaning, dressing, feeding, communicating, etc.
Sustain are the activities for getting week to week, month to month -- shopping, laundry, paying bills, driving a car, getting out & about.
Succeeding is whatever I decide it is, big or small -- giving a talk in public; hugging my wife with both arms; being a finalist in the SilverSneakers Member of the Year competition; cutting my own fingernails for the first time.
The point is, I don't have to have all the abilities of Surviving before I can Sustain or even Succeed. As I make progress in each dimension, I become a more complete person. Not quite the person I was, maybe, but a real person nonetheless, not just "Old Disabled Guy".
My YouTube channel ("From Recovery to Discovery") is here.
Mostly ~5-minute episodes on various topics. New episodes coming soon!
Here's a five-minute interview I did a couple of years ago that summarizes my attitude.
"Living With Purpose After a Stroke":
Scott -
Thank you for sharing this information and perspective. Love the "dimensions" aspect - especially since recovery after stroke is far from linear.
I really appreciated the way Tracey Lange depicted stroke recovery in "What Happened to the McCrays?" I hope you'll check it out!