Cortisone injection in hip. Still in pain.

Posted by biker58 @biker58, May 28, 2023

I am in my 3rd year of hip pain. I was a healthy painfree man, when I went out for a snowshoe a few winters back. I came back 1 hour later with pain in y hip, that has never left. 4 different x-rays showed very good hip structure at that point. I was told the pain was refered from my back. Back manipulations did not help. I was then told it was due to tight muscles and tendons. Physical therapy did not help. About 1- 1.5 years later, I asked to have another x-ray taken of the hip. It showed a large amount of deterioration, and a hip replacement was recommended. I don't want to go that route. Also, I can't figure out how I could have severe pain at the outset, when the x-rays showed a perfect hip. The pain didn't change any as the hip apparently got worse.
So now it is Cortisone. After 3 days, I am in about the same pain I was in before the injection. Immediately after the injection, I was pain free. This lasted a few hours, and now thew pain is back. Is this normal? I am also interested in pursuing RFA for the hip. Any ideas?

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I have severe arthritis am headed in your direction, cortisone shots. I've heard it took weeks before someone who took the cortisone shots was able to walk again. look into prp, platelet injections. problem is insurance says they pay them but orthopedic clinic where I live won't bill insurance.

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I wonder if you can get the procedure codes and related material and submit it yourself.


I wonder if you can get the procedure codes and related material and submit it yourself.

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yes you can get reimbursed.


Might not truly be hip! I have bad back which is felt in hips ( other things contribute too). As for shots -and I have had many- the numbing shot stays good and relieves pain. The shot itself doesn’t always work .. and can work a few days or three months or better. It’s used diagonally and then benefit from pain relievers IF that works ( right place). Hope that helps and good luck! ( can only have about 3 a year too). Best!

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