healing Trigeminal Neuralgic Pain (TNP) caused by molar extraction?

Posted by earthmama007 @earthmama007, Aug 4, 2024

In Oct 2021, a dodgy dentist wrenched on my third molar for 20 minutes until it finally cracked and released from its socket, leaving me with dry socket and immense pain that no medication could touch. I chose to do colloidal silver instead of antibiotics. I really had no idea how dire this whole exercise was, extracting a tooth being so life-ruining!
Since that fateful day, I've suffered immense pain that's been diagnosed as Trigeminal Neuralgic Pain (TNP) by a neurologist who prescribed me 25 mg Lyrica 2-3x/day for the weird pain behind my nose (especially when I talk or ingest anything inflammatory). Also a burning, hot sensation along my left gums and tongue. which also increases with anything inflammatory or too much talking. it's all very exhausting, my energy is lower now, and i usually have a low-grade headache.

I've also lost a lot of bone, so my face is sagging on the left side, including my ear lobe!!! I am a female, so this really sucks with earrings etc.
I want to be out of pain, and off meds. I've heard that NUCCA Doctor could release the trauma of the nerve so that it could start to repair.
Others tell me nerves never repair, but I refuse to believe that. The human body will always try to heal itself.
Brian from Hippocrates suggested the following:
1) fix with Nucca
2) realign with Pulse Magnetic therapy
3) Ingest/supplement with exosomes and peptides?

Has anyone else gone down this road to heal a similar issue???
From reading about NUCCA and related upper cervical chiros, I'm not so sure it will actually fix the neuralgia/ release the nerves. I've had an atlas adjustment before, and I can't imagine it fixing something like the trigeminal nerve along my jaw.
Thanks so much for any leads. I'm an otherwise very healthy 47 yr old female surfer.

July 2024 New information from Daniel at The Ageless suggests the following could help- has anyone had success from these?
Nerve healing supplementation:
B complex
Nearinfeared light and/or Photobiomodulation
Lionsmain mushroom
Bioregulation of the central nervous system

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.

2 yrs ago I presented my local dentist with a right upper molar bite pain. He saw the vertical crack and crowned it. The adjacent one also. Some weeks later I developed bad pain in jaw joint. I found that depending on what side I slept ,I had jaw pain upon getting out of bed. Our brain drops with age. Mine is 82 yrs. An artery comes in contact with the trigeminal nerve. Heart beat caused pulsing , and wore myelin sheath protecting the nerve. During an attack for about 30 secs pain pulsed with heartbeat. Upon lying on left side I had no attack getting out of bed. I played a lot of saxophone. This may have helped reduce the gap between nerve an artery. I ate plenty of fats to help replace lost nerve myelin. All the time my 2 nd incisor was really touch sensitive. Another jaw attack sometimes. I found some relief by sprinkling cayenne pepper on food and drink. By now all front upper right teeth gums were real sensitive. When I blew a low note on sax, upper teeth hurt. And even running a few steps down a steep incline , hurt them. Last week I could not speak as upper lip moved over those gums. I made a paste of raw honey and cayenne pepper and wiped it over my gums and inside of upper lip. Works for few hours. I found symptoms went totally away when I went running. Finally , my local doctor diagnosed trigeminal neuralgia and put me on cabamazepine. Have been on caba for a week. I feel drunk all day. Have yet to convince a dentist to root canal one of the upper molars.
Good luck all you sufferers,


2 yrs ago I presented my local dentist with a right upper molar bite pain. He saw the vertical crack and crowned it. The adjacent one also. Some weeks later I developed bad pain in jaw joint. I found that depending on what side I slept ,I had jaw pain upon getting out of bed. Our brain drops with age. Mine is 82 yrs. An artery comes in contact with the trigeminal nerve. Heart beat caused pulsing , and wore myelin sheath protecting the nerve. During an attack for about 30 secs pain pulsed with heartbeat. Upon lying on left side I had no attack getting out of bed. I played a lot of saxophone. This may have helped reduce the gap between nerve an artery. I ate plenty of fats to help replace lost nerve myelin. All the time my 2 nd incisor was really touch sensitive. Another jaw attack sometimes. I found some relief by sprinkling cayenne pepper on food and drink. By now all front upper right teeth gums were real sensitive. When I blew a low note on sax, upper teeth hurt. And even running a few steps down a steep incline , hurt them. Last week I could not speak as upper lip moved over those gums. I made a paste of raw honey and cayenne pepper and wiped it over my gums and inside of upper lip. Works for few hours. I found symptoms went totally away when I went running. Finally , my local doctor diagnosed trigeminal neuralgia and put me on cabamazepine. Have been on caba for a week. I feel drunk all day. Have yet to convince a dentist to root canal one of the upper molars.
Good luck all you sufferers,

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@jamessaxo You may find this article about TMJ of interest. With tight neck and jaw muscles, it can cause jaw pain. Perhaps physical therapy may help you.


@jamessaxo You may find this article about TMJ of interest. With tight neck and jaw muscles, it can cause jaw pain. Perhaps physical therapy may help you.

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Thank you Gennifer. Such a complex report. I think jaw pain is fixed by
itself. Just sensitive gums now. Carba has fixed. Can sometimes feel slight
bight pain from one molar.

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