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Welcome @poisonivy.
I'm so glad you've joined Connect, and shared great insights about weaning off Effexor. From personal experience, I can tell you that there are practically no significant side effects when you gradually wean off, under your doctor's supervision.
We look forward to getting to know you; may I ask what led to taking these medications?

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Replies to "Welcome @poisonivy. I'm so glad you've joined Connect, and shared great insights about weaning off Effexor...."

Thank you! I was diagnosed with Bi-Polar 2. I was put on many types of medication but Effector was the first. I've had 12 ECT treatments which is another topic altogether. Two years ago I started treatment with a new Psychiatrist and we both agree I have probably been misdiagnosed.
I now have chronic kidney disease and the medications are hard on the kidneys. That is why I am weaning off.