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Women's health issues have rarely gotten the attention they deserve. Most gynecologists don't receive training -- or it is limited -- in medical school. It's very difficult to identify a doctor who is well versed in issues regarding menopause and osteoperosis. A recent source of information is: https://menopause.org/. This website provides the names of medical practitioners (doctors and nurses) who have been certified as knowledgeable about menopause. I'm switching from my gynecologist (competent, but very focused on delvering babies and not on menopausal women) to a doctor who has been certified.

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Replies to "Women's health issues have rarely gotten the attention they deserve. Most gynecologists don't receive training --..."

Or simply interview the doctor and ask about their education, expertise and length of time in treating patients with those needs. It's like a job interview....what qualifies you to treat my _____fill in the blank.

In addition the money allocated for women's health issues is miniscule comparatively.