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Jan. 18, 2025
thank you @mayblin for bringing to our
attention and posting the link to the study on Evenity:
We so badly need more recent information on it.
I look at the bottom acknowledgements of any
This one includes the 'consulting fees'
"study funded by":
I am not posting this information,
because it is quite extensive. Have a look if you
wish to know more.
It makes me less than confident about results.
I have seen some clinical results that do not
mention grants from vested interests.
I realize the funding has to come from somewhere.
I am not questioning the integrity of the professionals
and/or research.
However, I do have some skepticism as to the value
of any study when pharmaceuticals fund it.
It does make it more difficult, for me, to make
a decision.
This is a personal comment by me and not meant
to cast asperations on any individual or corporation.
What are your comments? How do you view this?

thank you @windyshores
for such dedicated and clear clarifications
on meds. You do a lot of research and your
posts are always appreciated.

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Replies to "Jan. 18, 2025 thank you @mayblin for bringing to our attention and posting the link to..."

Hi @bevlevvancouverbc my intention of posting that link is to show the study demonstrated evenity's effect on bmd after 12mo prolia (2shots) were attenuated, although no statistical analysis due to the small sized study. What the study did not show in any way is what role evenity has, if any, in preventing rebound effect upon cessation of prolia. I am not really bothered by the funding sources or some of the authors being consultants to some drug companies. Clinical studies are expensive to conduct and in need of top notch scientists and researchers who in real life often wear many hats. Randomized, double blind clinical trials are said to be the best scientific studies out there. This phase 2 study was randomized although thr number of participants was small. However, if we need more peace of mind regarding Evenity itself, its phase 3 study is more telling - a randomized, double blind clinical trial with over 7000 participants. Results had statistical power.

With regard to the sequencing of prolia -> evenity, more studies are needed.