Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself
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Hello. My user handle is Benny Jean. I have fibromyalgia pain that flares in my ankles and sometimes my right wrist plus complex regional pain disorder in my right leg and arthritis issues in my spine. I have received steroids injections which help, have undergone Chiropractic treatment, practice Yoga, swim anything I think will help.
I have inoperable degenerative spinal arthritis, scoliosis and hip labral tears. All the non- surgical options have been ineffective. Years of physical therapy improve strength but pain persists. Walking and lifting anything over 15 pounds cause increased pain. I live alone since my husband died suddenly and unexpectedly 9 months ago. Hope is a beautiful thing but now, especially living alone for the first time in 40+ years, it is getting harder and harder to find. I am generally a positive and hopeful person but I find myself stuck and discouraged. I know I am not alone in my journey. Grateful to have found this resource.
I'm Nadine and have had chronic pain for so many years now. I have Fibromyalgia, 21 surgeries so far for so many things not related to that, but makes it much harder to deal with because of the pain I solved before and after healing. I have Connective Tissue disease as well. Mixed at that. I have had many mild Ischemic Strokes with so many issues. I believe I have Primary progressive Aphasia because of the symptoms I'm having. They are getting worse. I see a specialist in John Hopkins as I'm not close to a Mayo Clinic. They did do my testing from my lumbar puncture and had positive on MS , but not the bands. I have dead areas in my brain as well as lesions where they believe vessel hemorrhage had been too. I've had so many MRI's and an a brain wave study and so so many blood test. Does anyone have PPA on here? My husband helps me and he drives me everywhere because my balance is terrible. My talking and thinking is worse and I am scared when I can't write anymore or read. I love reading and I only spend time with my few close friends playing cards now. It helps, my Neurologist says anyway. My strokes have nothing to do with PPA really, but it's another issue to deal with. I believe as he does that my Connective Tissue disease is causing those.. small vessel problems. My BP is lower. Today it's 108/50. I'm not over weight and no diabetes. No blockages that they can find on my MRI or Echogram of my heart. I'm 66 now and this all has been happing for about 3 years now. Worse in the last 8 months though.
I know this may sound crazy but I’ve been able to manage my pain very well for over a year now. I’ve been taking the same dose of Suboxen and after being on methedoneand OxyContin only to have them work for short periods of time I was at the end of my rope. I couldn’t believe it when the Suboxen worked. It worked for me maybe it will work for you.
Hi my names Jill and I’ve suffered from fibromyalgia for the better part of 30 yrs. And spent most of them being treated by narcotics. I had enough of them and decided to come off them cause I read somewhere that the narcotics can actually cause the pain to get worse. It was only by accident that I read that Suboxen the drug they use to detox you from narcotics also can be used to treat pain. I started taking the Suboxen about 2 yrs. Ago and have found that not only was I able to come of those narcotics my pain level on most days is at a very comfortable 9. It worked for me I hope it might help someone else.
How did you manage to get a doc to prescribe it. My pain docs seems totally ignorant in regards to prescribing anything else except what I'm already on: tramadol, gabapentin, and baclofen. These barely touch my pain. Did you just go in to the office and say, "Hey, Doc. I heard that this drug called suboxen might help with my pain, Would you write a script for me, please?".
There are a couple of ways talk to your dr. And show him my post the Suboxen works and it’s far better than taking narcotics. You can see a pain management dr. And if all else fails you can see a psychiatrist. Good luck in my book it’s a true life saver.
Wow good for you. My FM is all over, my right side is also worse. I also have a right torn rotator that cannot be fixed which cause a great deal of pain, so the only exercise I can do is walk. but then the osteoarthritis is now bad in my knees . I had a prednisone shot in my left knee and in my rotator a type of steroid in the shoulder. Both helped for some time.
I totally understand your journey. I too, am alone with my arthritis, torn rotator and fibromyalgia. I am happy to get a visitor occasionally but really find it takes a lot of energy. I am worried because i may need knee surgery and then I can't be alone. I have 2 flights of stairs and am not sure about a stair lift or selling my place. So bless you so I do sincerely hope it gets somewhat better for you to handle.