Joint/ Hip pain
I just had an open Lumbar Lamenectamy and I am having severe pain in my groin, hip, butt when trying to walk ( almost to the point I can not walk ) is this normal, how long does it last and what can I do to help ease the pain ?
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I have the sane problem and have not found a solution. Keeping my back very warm (even hot) at all times helps.
Good daily bowel movements also makes a difference. Leaning over the computer and then standing up is terrible! Good luck
Dear All,
PAIN: Plant in your body on your rear-ends, hips?
My wife gets the pain area and according her mom and a sister got the same problem of her hips. She won’t get a surgery. She hates it. But I hope someone, of all of you (including my wife) will see that best way and move away or get rid of pain…
Sorry - I sent this to my wife and, I hope, you guys come up with better things… 😉
I will avoid surgery as much as possible. Have they seen a spine specialist. Epidural injections might work
@tmh64 Have you talked to your surgeon's team about your pain? They're the best ones to advise you or to help with pain management.
I have had pain in my hip and went to the pain clinic with the problem. After a brief exam, he ordered an MRI. The MRI showed the hip is in good condition, but I have a problem with the L2 L3 disc. He said I would eventually need to have surgery on that. I'm not at all happy with that diagnosis since I had to have the L4 L5 fused March 26, 2024. That surgery left me with pain in my left leg and foot drop in the left foot. It feels like a compression bandage is around the foot and causes pain. The big toe pulls up and is very sensitive. I can't walk on cement floors or pavement. I feel really bad having to use a handicap cart in the stores. The pain is to the point of tears when I walk on these type of floors. I really don't know what to do about the L2 L3 disc, surgery or not. The pain in the hip prevents me from walking some days more than others.
Do you have groin pain in your hip. Do you get like electric shocks sometimes out of nowhere from the hip. My mri and my xray both showed my hip was fine. I read the other day that cartlidge around the bone is made up of mostly water so it changes shape. Don’t give up. I also have slight .deterioration of L1-L5 and S1
@cindysoreback and @primmrose You may be interested in some articles on this site, MSK Neurology in the low back & pelvis section. This was written by a physical therapist who is now in medical school to advance his studies.
That is awesome. Thank you for the information.
Thank you 🙏