Comfy hats for hair loss - Suggestions?

Posted by justbreathe11 @justbreathe11, Jan 15 10:17am

Hi, after speaking to my oncologist this morning, I'm going ahead with chemotherapy. He said hair loss is guaranteed (and I've decided not to do the cooling cap). I live in MN - brrrr! I'm planning to get some knit hats, and wondering if anyone has suggestions for comfy ones (maybe without seams, etc.) Thank you. 🙂

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Hi @justbreathe11 I’m sorry you’re having to start chemo. No one looks forward to it but our attitudes can make a huge difference in our overall success. Sounds like you’re ready to face this head on/hair off. I did the same and preemptively had my hair buzzed the morning I’d be starting my chemo. It was actually kind of liberating taking control.

Being from Wisconsin, I know what you mean about brrrrr and wanting to insulate your head from winter’s bone chilling cold. I found great hats on They’re soft and designed for people going through chemo.

I sent for some lighter weight chemo caps from Amazon. They also double as gators to wear around your neck if you get chilled but were perfect to wear around the house or to bed. They’re pretty inexpensive. The link was huge so type Womens-Slouchy-Headwear-Sleeping or Chemo Caps in the search bar on the Amazon site.

There are some conversations in the forum with other breast cancer patients who tried the cooling caps. Here’s one of them.

Wishing you well with your treatments! Stay strong, stay positive, you’ve got this!! Hugs.


@loribmt thanks for the advice. I'll check out those links!


I am just starting to lose my hair, right at the 14th day! I have decided to it is what it is and will just embrace the hair loss! LOL I have purchased one cap - slouchy knit beanie hat made of cashmere for a mere 10.00 pm and some "surgical" working caps with Button and Sweatband! I will look at the sight that Lori shared (thanks Lori) I am embracing and making this a new fashion statement!!! Here's to warm heads!


I am just starting to lose my hair, right at the 14th day! I have decided to it is what it is and will just embrace the hair loss! LOL I have purchased one cap - slouchy knit beanie hat made of cashmere for a mere 10.00 pm and some "surgical" working caps with Button and Sweatband! I will look at the sight that Lori shared (thanks Lori) I am embracing and making this a new fashion statement!!! Here's to warm heads!

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Hi @catperk22. At the time I started chemo I had longer hair that was always clipped up in a bun. Knowing I’d be losing it, I preemptively had it buzzed off in the hospital by the wig-shop beautician. Bless her heart, she came up to my room to do the deed. (I would be inpatient for 5 weeks). My daughter (35) was there with me at the time and we had quite a little party! 3 of my chemo nurses popped in too.
One of the girls said I ‘looked Bad A**, like the chick from Deadpool! 😅 So they printed out a photo of her and posted on the wall in my room as a reminder!

Quite honestly, I always feared losing my hair as I got older. But pffft, once it happened and I didn’t have a choice, it was so liberating! My husband took it harder than I did! I enjoyed the no-fuss routine in the morning of washing my head with a washcloth and applying a little argan oil.

There are so many cute hats on the market and also, heck, there were days I went with the cue ball look! I also lost my eyelashes for a while so then there’s the pig-eye look. 🫣. But that’s just for a little while and all the hair grows back!
Sometimes the texture or color may change but I also wear that as a badge of honor for coming out the victor!

So best wishes with your treatments, @catperk22, keep being a trend setter, and may you come out the victor with a lovely new head of lustrous locks! ☺️


I would suggest satin lined hats. Mine were quite comfortable. Grace Eleyae's brand has been around for quite some time.

But there are competitors.


I had chemo that caused my hair to fall out about 32 years ago, at age 43. Losing hair was quite shocking to me and depressing along with the mastectomy; I tried a wig for a little while, but it was very itchy. So I switched to a cotton stocking cap with a long scarf wrapped around it & tied, which was very comfortable & pretty cute. At night the stocking cap kept me warm. I borrowed the idea of making the hat fuller by tucking in "shoulder pads." This got me through the 6 mo. of no hair, and the regrowth was quick, curly and so appreciated!


@justbreathe11 My hair is thinning dramatically as I go through chemo for blood cancer. A friend's daughter crocheted me a couple of hats of soft yarn. But I also use slouchy beanie hats from Amazon. One group is cotton, and does a good job being lightweight, just enough coverage. The other group is a synthetic knit, fits closer to my head and the seams are soft. I am ready to have everything shaved off if the thinning/loss gets too patchy.

Best of luck on your journey.


Look on Amazon. They have alot of cute ones and very comfortable. I always read the reviews on the hats and that helps, too. Sometimes the cancer clinics have hats that people have donated.
Hope you find some that you like.


Hats. Wigs, bandanas, handkerchief long ones. home I didn't wear anything.


My tip is if you’re going to lose your hair, have a pro shave it off. I did not, thinking I could shave it myself. What a mess! When it grew back in, it was all uneven and looked even worse.

A friend of mine found a wonderful knit cotton cap from Life is Good.
Good luck!

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