Best time to inject Forteo to get more BMD improvements

Posted by ninglike @ninglike, 2 days ago

I heard different opinions about the best time to inject the Forteo:
1. MORNING injection is better aligned with the body's natural PTH and gets better BMD improvements
2. EVENING injection works well since natural bone formation tends to be highest at night

I'd appreciate it very much for your advice on which option to pick for better results.

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Hi @ninglike i read a the study regarding optimal injection time but that was so small that we should look at the results with a grain of salt. If true, MDs or pharmacists would have advised patients to do one way or the other. In reality there appears to be no concensus. My take is at the beginning you inject at a time that is best for you to minimized unwanted side effects, since each person reacts to a new medication differently. Once your body is customed to Forteo, you could transition to the time that you believe is the best for bone building. If you come across a good reliable clinical study, please share.


This study found a greater increase in BMD when taken in the morning:

"A 12-month morning teriparatide (TPTD) administration resulted in a larger increase in the lumbar spine bone mineral density (BMD) than the evening application. The results indicate that the response of bone cells to teriparatide treatment depends on dosing time.",treatment%20depends%20on%20dosing%20time.

This might be the small study @mablin mentions. 2014 it might be outdated. The endocrinologist I see tells me that morning or night makes not difference. He thinks it is most important to take it at the same time every day.

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