Calf pain after TKR
I am 5 weeks post op from TKR on my right knee. From the very 1st week, most of my pain is in my calf. It seems to be getting worse with every week. It is especially painful when I am sitting or driving. The only thing that gives me immediate relief is when I get in a hot bath. At my 4 week check up, I have virtually no swelling and my ROM is where its suppose to be. It is such a deep ache in my calf with numbness in my foot. Ultrasound showed no blood clot. I've been from my surgeon to a vascular specialist and now referred to a neurologist. Has anyone had this issue?
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I am one week post TKR and am also having extreme calf soreness and numbness in the heel of my surgery leg. The numbness and tingling in my foot seems to get worse at night or anytime I’m lying down. The calf soreness is always present and is always painful when I try walking. I was sent to the ER yesterday to have a blood clot study to rule out a dvt, which was negative.
Today someone suggested this might be nerve damage or neuropathy. A little hunting for info led me here. I have my next Appt with the surgeon in about 5 days. I hope he has some relief to offer me.
Anything I can do at home in the mean time??
Hi TKRL, still swelling and inflammation 10 months out. in the last 2 months, my calf muscle has been locking up and super tight. My PT dry needles my calf, very painful and it helps. She tells me to cycle for 5min b4 session and that only makes my calf worse. I saw a 2nd opinion, no insight. He states my IT band is tight. excessive bending my knee causes my calf to tighten, it's just the inside and the upper back of my calf.
Yes, I had TKR 1 year ago and I have clonking and clicking started about 3 months after surgery. It is very aggravating and not sure if it will go away. I have heard that most people with this surgery has it. We have to wait and see is all we can do I guess! Ugh. Foot and leg aches at times but I think it goes with the surgery!
I am also 18 months out....knee still gets really sore and stiff and hurts sometimes. I still also have the clunking and clicking in the knee and sometimes it's worse than others. I thought by now things would be good. Still exercising but sometimes it still really hurts.
I am 7 weeks post tkr. After 3 weeks after surgery I have started with foot tingling , and a band like feeling around arch of my foot . Is this normal and why is it happening ?
Hello @droby3030, Welcome to Connect. I don't think you are alone with your symptoms after knee replacement. I already had neuropathy prior to my knee replacement but it didn't get any worse for me. @paint1956 and @stp258 have posted about foot tingling and tight band feeling and may have experience or suggestions to share with you.
While you wait for members to respond, you might find it helpful to scan through other discussions and comments mentioning "TKR +foot tingling". Here's a link that lists the discussions and comments -
How is the knee recovery going otherwise?
Thank you . I only hope it gets better . I am getting concerned
Recovery is coming . At least no more arthritis pain . Only me
I have numbness on the bottom of my foot that began month 7.
My doctor says it has nothing to do with surgery this late out, but its hard for me to believe.
I have no back issues.
Im now 10 months out after tkr.