AUS failed at or before activation
To make it short,02/08/*2021 had RP,left me totally incontinent.Dr. was urging me for years to get AUS.I thought it was medieval and there had to be something more modern coming down the line. alas, 3 years later I found myself able to take the time to have the the surgery but there was still nothing out there available other than the AMS 800. I reluctantly agreed to the surgery. Well first of all the pump ended up nowhere near where it was supposed to be. Way to high,I was freaking out about that. Then when he activated it, it did not work at all. Scheduled another surgery to swap out parts.Dr. assured me that it was almost always the bladder that fails and the chances where that I would not have to be cut between the legs this time. But no! the cuff broke open, I am left with two incisions again, I get no answers but we have never seen this before and they can't replace the cuff for at least 3 months because of the damage the open cuff did to my urethra. I ask has anyone had this kind of problem? And I don't know how I could possibly trust that if this thing did not even survive six weeks on restrictions,how could it survive every day life? I would appreciate any insights from anyone who has had any experience with this kind of problem. Thanks, TE
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@tedick58, you might these related AUS-related discussions helpful:
My first one did not work. Same thing. Too far up to grab. Switched sides for pump. Nope. Emergency surgery to remove it all. Gound doc who specializes in radiation csused problems. Had urethroplasty
Suprapubic catheter for 13 months. New AMS800 put in. Been 13 months and works great. Don't accept that it won't work. Many posts about AMS800 success stories. Search for them.
Thank you for your response. I guess it is encouraging that your's is the only story I've seen that is similar to mine,and that there are many more success stories.As of now my PSA has been rising again and my oncologist recommends that I hold off having the surgery to replace the faulty cuff until we determine if the cancer is reoccurring. So for now I'm in a holding pattern.
Good luck. I hope everything goes well.