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I had PTC with follicular variant in 2016. I had for decades felt I had thyroid issues but no doctor would pursue it other than running TSH tests. In my path after surgery, I had chronic Hashis. My cancer was only on one side, but because the margins were close to the edge my surgeon took it all. I was glad after I saw my path report. Pros: you can control your medication levels to the point you could be more comfortable symptom wise. Cons: while they have come way down, I still show antibodies. I did have an ablation at the insistence of my endocrinologist. I am 100% dependant on thyroid replacement medication for life. I periodically get symptomatic when my thyroid levels are too suppressed. If you have time to consult with an endocrinologist who treats thyca, that is what I would suggest- to get one more opinion before surgery. You should have one lined up to follow you afterwards.

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Replies to "I had PTC with follicular variant in 2016. I had for decades felt I had thyroid..."

Thank you for your response. I am less worried about having another surgery in the future when if it hasn’t spread already, we could just prevent that now. And if it has spread, then we can do the radiated iodine so I could feel like we have it all.

I understand this isn’t a deadly cancer, but to me it’s a pretty big deal to have it and will feel anxiety knowing that it could be growing every year is hard to accept.