Anyone else with Functional Dyspepsia?
I was recently diagnosed with Functional Dyspepsia and the only symptom I have is upper abdominal burning (not inside the stomach itself). They started me on Desipramine 25mg (a low dose tricyclic for pain but in larger doses it treats depression). I'd like to know what others have found helpful and what symptoms you have.
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I have burning upper right (Just under the rib cage, where my gallbladder use to be located) and it feels like spasms. Can't seem to get it under control. Doc suggested FD Gard. Thoughts?
I haven't tried FD Gard because it is somewhat expensive and only lists symptoms like nausea, bloating, and early fullness. But I have tried different herbs like Artichoke extract and Lemon Balm Oil. Desipramine was prescribed by a GI dr. though I haven't found it nor anything that works yet. An ice pack is slightly helpful, but not always possible. I wish you well in your search for relief and comfort.
Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Since they can’t find anything wrong with me, I guess I have functional dyspepsia too.
Mine started about 18 months ago after an episode of really bad indigestion that I thought was food poisoning.
Now I have this chronic upper G.I. burning, bloating, belching, nausea, just a sick feeling regularly.
I’ve had CT scans, ultrasounds, and EGD. And they haven’t found much. Have you had any scans?
One of my scans showed that my pancreas was mildly atrophied and that I have some inactive gallstones, but nothing that would produce the symptoms I’m having. I would love to be able to eat and enjoy foods like I used to, but I just can’t anymore. It’s very frustrating and of course I think there’s a more severe underlying cause of this, but they can’t find anything.
I hope your symptoms improve.
Recently had my gallbladder removed after acute episodes of severe discomfort and a lab report that liver was being affected. Nothing showed up on various scans, x-rays, etc.
Doctor said it was very enlarged, and difficult to remove through laparoscopic incisions. Evidently a duct was twisted.
And, I felt so much better immediately. Realized it had been making me ill for over a year. Thought it was from other conditions.
Thank you and I wish the same for you. I had a diseased gallbladder removed several years ago but the burning has only been for the last few. The scans showed a fatty liver and I had elevated liver enzymes but nothing to explain the burning. The symptoms you mention are listed in the diagnosis of Functional Dyspepsia. I hope you get some answers and treatment...and relief.
That's great! I felt better after mine was removed several years ago after a year of difficulty eating and losing a lot of weight. The upper abdominal burning for me didn't start until a few years ago. I've also had surgery in the past for GERD and hiatal hernia repair which took care of severe reflux. Best wishes to you!