Thanks for the very helpful information.
I use the old style NeilMedi bottle when I need to do nasal rinses but I’ve always been concerned about not being able to sterilize them (I do wash them out with soap and water but not the same). I should probably do the rinses all the time but not being able to sterilize the bottle always nags at me. Boiling for 5 minutes is better than what I was doing with the bottles I have.
I have a silicone liner to put in the pot that I use to boil my airway clearance equipment but I am looking at baby bottle sterilizers so that would make it all so much easier. I’m trying to compare the sterilizers and see which ones do the best job. I have Mac so I feel that more sterilization is needed for everything than the CF literature recommends.
I’ve been at this for nearly 6 years and while I don’t want to cut corners, especially with sterilizing, it does get tiring after a while.
I’ve been at it just 2 and changed what I was doing too often. I’d think I was over doing it, ease up some, feel guilty, get anal again. I love the Bololo-it has lessened that worry.
I didn’t ask this rep about the old bottles. I suspect it would’ve been different answer from him.. The silicone squeezie is thicker and doesn’t soften as much as old one with boiling.