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Insomnia and Cancer

Cancer: Managing Symptoms | Last Active: Mar 11, 2020 | Replies (65)

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@lacey Hi There, Oh I haven't even had treatments and I cant seem to want to sleep. I have to be completely worn exhausted nonstop moving for like 12 hours to sleep. If I just have a regular work day or a day in my life. Well forget about it. I body wants to party all night long as well. I am thinking I have way too much fun during to stop and sleep.. LOL.. Just kidding. I think it is just in the subconscious mind the constant worry about night sweats for me. If I feel myself getting warm while sleeping I wake up throw off the covers tossing and turning all night long. I often take 1 or 2 Tylenol PM to sleep. They help sometimes. But not all the time. Especially like today, I drank Green tea this afternoon. Now I feel like Ricochet Rabbit I'm bouncing off the walls here tonight.. The only way I can sleep like I said, Is to Totally wear myself out. Walk like 12 miles in one day. Then I can sleep in peace.

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Replies to "@lacey Hi There, Oh I haven't even had treatments and I cant seem to want to..."

Funny travelgirl, missed you lately, but when you haven't slept for awhile, my funny left town.
I am very active, so that may be the problem, I would not worry about the sweats, you will
surely know when they are around, you wake up in a puddle of water, thats when youget your butt to the doctor. Today is Livestrong class and we are going to play some pickle ball, maybe
I will be able to sleep tonight, lets hope. Talk soon, take care. Lacey