Has anyone experienced anxiety after starting hormone therapy?
Has anyone experienced anxiety after starting hormone therapy. I have been off it for 5 months & still have anxiety especially in the morning.
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Once my surgery recovery was over, I got busy getting back to my very active life. This helped me stay present in today. I would suggest getting busy living. Death will happen in its own time.
No watchful waiting.
Had surgery 15 years ago, no ADT. 3.5 years later PSA started rising had salvage radiation. Still no ADT for 2 1/2 years, Then PSA started rising again was put on Lupron. Didn’t find out until 2020 that I had BRCA2.
@rparsons, you are not alone in managing with fear of recurrence. You might be interested in this long-standing related discussion the the Cancer: Managing Symptoms group:
- Facing Cancer Recurrence, PTSD & Acknowledging Mental Health https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/facing-cancer-recurrence-ptsd-acknowledging-mental-health/
Mayo Clinic offers a self-guided online course for cancer patients dealing with stress. It's free and available to everyone - patients and caregivers
Rparsons, have you considered talking with a social worker about your anxiety?
Hi ,
As regards to anxiety.
After my 26 radiation treatments I’m about 4 weeks into the side effects portion of my recovery.
I found myself with high anxiety during the last 4 weeks and having trouble sleeping my Primary Care prescribed Zoloft and another sleep enhancing medication.
Both seem to be working.
I realize that most of my adult life I’ve been anxious but prostate cancer took it to another level.
Hope this helps you.
Thank-You for your reply. I am glad to see I am not the only one. I have been off hormone therapy for 5 months & still have anxiety especially in the morning. I am on Cymbalta which is an SNRI & gabapentin. That seems to help. I walk in the morning & afternoon . Like all of us we just want to get back to feeling like our normal selves.
@glenninjb, good for you for creating a happy place at the gym. How did your appointment go with your urologist? What are the next steps for you?