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If you want to try, the alone time I found was to set my cell phone alarm on low volume on the bedside table next to my head and set it for a time that I knew I would have at least an hour before he normally woke up. I’d slide carefully out of bed, tiptoe to the door, gently ease it open and closed, go to the bathroom, then go make coffee, which I would enjoy in a chair next to a window and use my I-pad to read a newspaper, do a puzzle, read the daily e-mailed Guideposts- whatever felt relaxing.
Ya gotta do what ya gotta do 🤣😂

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Replies to "If you want to try, the alone time I found was to set my cell phone..."

Thank you.

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That's funny, I am doing exactly all those things you just wrote about, right now. This is my time, and I need it for my sanity. Hugs to you.

My husband likes to get up around 9:00… I wake up around 6:30… get, do a few back exercises, other chores, organize breakfast for both of us then get him up…dress with a fresh diaper etc…wash and brush and shave him… then we have breakfast… by then I would like to go back to bed… but must wash his wet linens… a good start to my Caregiver day. Sound familiar?

I usually get up around 6. Often my husband does, too, but other times he sleeps in. But he also goes to bed early—generally around 7:30 or 8—and I stay up until around 10:30 reading. I really look forward to those quiet hours before I lie down. I usually sleep just fine and that might be part of it—although my taking the occasional "chill pill" (doctor prescribed) probably helps, too. 🙂 I know some people need time on their own with other people than the one they're caring for, but some of us really just need the alone time.